Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [vb base] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My bones smoulder to join the fires of the warm forest . ’
2 My muscles tense to stop the rocking pools of light , circles within circles , dazzling .
3 In the belief that it was time a woman was honest about the experience , my paintings try to convey the sensation of giving birth and my feelings at the time .
4 My folks want to see the inside of a real pub .
5 In proportion as its acts tend to promote the same end , its conduct may be termed organised and its several actions correlated .
6 She works in such haste that her words cease to have a meaning , and a mind seems to be going to waste .
7 and their drivers try to read the placards
8 As she silently squirms , I would swear her purpling head is expanding ; dumbly , her eyes seem to bugle the pressure within .
9 So the comb and its weights have to pull the knitting down .
10 The first means identifying these issues that are critical to leisure policy and the means by which decision-makers operate to achieve the goals established by legislation or ministerial directives .
11 Each day her youngsters have to reserve a seat at the table and no prior reservation means no meal .
12 For many thousands of children experiencing actual separation and the consequences of divorce of their parents , it is likely to be a continuous process of change and adjustment and of considerable anxiety as their parents try to resolve the different stages identified above .
13 Their statements seem to have a number of points in common : first , they tend to be expressed in inappropriate circumstances , for example , someone makes a contribution to a congress , and someone else feels compelled to make an immediate reply .
14 It cited Friday 's announcement by Fujitsu that it is lowering its earnings forecast to show a substantial loss for the fiscal year ending March 31 as the reason for the review ; the review affects 120,000m of yen-denominated bonds , a $330m bond , a 320m Swiss franc issue and a 200,000m commercial paper programme , it noted .
15 The chaotic policy of subsidies has also led to the scandal of vast food mountains which taxpayers have to foot the bill to store — and which are then dumped at cut price on the world market .
16 However , in family credit , the threshold at which earnings start to affect the maximum credit for lone parents will be increased at next April 's uprating from £62.25 to £66.60 .
17 Not surprisingly , different viewpoints have emerged over the range of activities which can be justified under the name of academic freedom , over the kinds of threat which are most felt to be present , over the circumstances in which appeal can be made to academic freedom , and over the justifications which academics employ to claim a right to ‘ academic freedom ’ .
18 Repeatedly we are told that if its characters fail to resist the Shadow , they will be taken over , but if they do resist they may get killed ; similarly if they reject the vagaries of chance ( if Frodo for instance had refused to leave the Shire with the Ring ) , it 's likely something highly unpleasant will happen , but if they accept and obey things could grow even worse .
19 The money would make a useful contribution should she and her friends decide to spend the evening in the pub .
20 In particular , they must have forgotten the acts of violence through which it came into being ; and to be a nation , its inhabitants have to have a will to be a nation .
21 The organisation , concerned with financial probity , is continuously in debt because its members refuse to pay the bill for self-regulation .
22 To this the Tory Party answers with obscure economic jargon which most of its members seem to have no understanding of themselves .
23 However , when they are in line with the Earth , at full and new moons , their forces combine to create the strong spring tides .
24 It represents the strategic space in which mothers work to resist the impact of poverty on individual health while trying , at the same time , to prevent their families slipping further into debt .
25 Where the pupils referred to in the next section are concerned , their teachers seem to play a larger role in the arbitration of proper action .
26 Frequently , clients and their advisers want to influence the choice of these specialists ; where they are relying on specialists for design input , this is a necessity .
27 Managers and their advisers have to resist the great temptation of trying to save a deal or outbid a rival at all costs .
28 One method of investigating this area has centred on the time which children take to give the answer to a range of simple sums .
29 As a result of the bi-modal pattern of female involvement in paid employment ( reflecting the demands of child rearing ) , women tend to be absent from work during the period in which men tend to acquire the post-entry professional qualifications which are required for promotion .
30 Of course , one of the new breed of select committees can review any matter that falls within its ambit , but their reports tend to lack the prestige of inquiries set up by ministers .
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