Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [be] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Is it surprising that my offcivers are losing faith in the criminal justice system .
2 In fact , ’ she glanced impatiently down at her wrist-watch , ‘ the US markets are open now , and every minute that I 'm away from my desk my clients are losing money . ’
3 The song reminded me of my ex-wife , only the group were trying for wistful melancholy and my associations were screaming nightmare .
4 My grandchildren are playing cricket
5 My parents were called Headmaster and Headmistress .
6 My parents were called Hughes .
7 My buildings are collected works of art made by many hands of many artists and true craftsmen , made with love , a true brotherhood ; an experience of joy where all parties gain fulfilment .
8 And now , at the present moment , my men are securing flotation bags and lifting slings to the plane .
9 My waiters were getting $60 a day tips and driving round in Porsches . ’
10 He said : ‘ I went to the island of Kos with some mates and at the same time as I was being ill some of my mates were having headaches and feeling ill .
11 Since Hill was at that time one of the most popular comedy stars in the world , one might have imagined that the company 's duty to its shareholders was to maximise profits .
12 The only way they can market their products is to produce literature detailed enough to convince the prospective buyer .
13 We phoned some of the major insurance companies to see what their policies were concerning fish tanks .
14 Birmingham specialised in close , dark and filthy courtyards : there were over two thousand of these in the town in the 1830s , and many of their houses were built back to back in order to get the maximum number on to each expensive acre .
15 ( 3 ) Which part of RTPA 1976 are you considering — goods or services or both ? ( 4 ) Establish which parties are accepting restrictions .
16 Now her schoolmates are raising cash for a CF charity as a tribute to the brave 15-year-old , of Pallister Park , Middlesbrough .
17 No longer did the garrison feel that their sufferings were taking place for the amusement of the crowd .
18 On their heads were checked winter head scarves twisted into turbans that showed by the particular shape the area from which they came .
19 She recorded much of this early life in her fascinating ( if rather coy ) autobiography Dust Tracks On A Road and revisited a fictional version of Eatonville in her most famous novel Their Eyes Were Watching God ( both of which still are in print ) .
20 In Sudan , for example , farmers wanting to sell their animals are charged Sudan 8 ( $3.20 ) per head of cattle in markets run by local municipalities .
21 Support for this interpretation has been sought in the effects of a procedure in which subjects are given pre-exposure to a variety of flavours .
22 If neither observers nor subjects know which subjects are receiving X and which are controls ( a double blind trial see Section 16.5 ) , the interaction effect discussed in Section 15.2.8 will be removed .
23 Best and Barker 1977 ) in which rats were given access to 5 ml of a distinctively flavoured solution at various intervals before a conditioning trial on which consumption of this solution was followed by an injection of LiCl .
24 It must also be pointed out that the Sub-Group is a sub-group of Management Group , and its functions are to advise Management and to put into effect Management policy on computing issues .
25 And some are even notching up big increases when their companies are LOSING money , a report reveals today .
26 This caused considerable apprehension , for the Queen of England had been excommunicated by the Holy Father only three years before , and her privateers were taking revenge on her behalf by acts of piracy against the friends of Rome .
27 GERMANY : Their JobCentres are called Arbeitsamt ( AB ) .
28 Its effects are to make women more vulnerable to job loss , to exclude or only inequitably compensate them , and to perpetuate poverty through insufficient payments .
29 Will the right hon. Gentleman arrange for the Secretary of State for Defence to make a statement about the way in which contractors are paid £10 an hour for security guards at some of our vital establishments when security guards in my constituency are being paid £1.80 an hour ?
30 But that was not all and Hari knew it , her mother was right , her head was filled with common sense , but her emotions were running riot .
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