Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [prep] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 I d be interested to see who else has my ideas of the best team …
2 I 'd like to manage at the very highest level and pit my wits against the best .
3 To see that all parties get justice , are dealt with fairly and get the chance to put their cases to the best of their abilities .
4 Golfers can store their clubs in the latest in luxury — multi-coloured golf bags from Sun Mountain Sports ( 0622-820519 ) for £70 .
5 Such are the rigours of their adulthood ( working in bons , never eating till 11pm ) that many Hoorays remember their schooldays as the happiest time of their lives ; their schoolfriends are those they feel most at ease with , even if at the time they could n't stand them .
6 In this business , you 're on dodgy ground trying to attach the words ‘ courage ’ and ‘ integrity ’ to anything ; certainly the Heavenly EP is for a good cause , and those involved are doing a lot for their profiles in the worthiest possible way , blah blah , charidee , blah blah AIDS , but Sinead has done too ( see following letter ) and in any case , she 's on another planet to these people .
7 This is seen as the first sign that Soviet nuclear scientists , who are threatened by redundancy following the disintegration of the union , will seek to sell their skills to the highest bidders .
8 And finally , surfers and canoeists have been pitting their skills against the biggest River Severn tidal wave of the year .
9 Analysts , particularly in the advertising world , ceaselessly try to unravel it , to help clients sell their products in the best markets .
10 As Norton Taylor points out , ‘ administrations have always attempted to present their policies in the best possible light ; to avoid public relations pitfalls ; to coordinate information policy ; and to counter bad news they can do little about … ’ .
11 in their books Beyond the Best Interests of the Child ( 1973 ) and Before the Best Interests of the Child ( 1980 ) made two fundamental claims that were to influence child care practice considerably over the years .
12 I 'm no expert , but what worries me is that , when you 're dealing with madmen , they increase their demands at the slightest sign of weakness . ’
13 Writing later , in 1937 , J. B. Priestley 's main concern was to stress the Englishness of Chaplin ( though he did concede that the Chaplin symbol was half-French in inspiration ) and he talked of him as being ‘ the greatest humourist since Dickens ’ and of belonging above all to London 's East End and to ‘ the swarms of bright-eyed urchins who are thumbing their noses at the nearest policemen ’ .
14 ( And the western Greeks tended to make their dedications at the nearest of the Greek sanctuaries of the mainland , Olympia , rather than creating or patronizing a big cult centre of their own , ) Fifth-century Italy and Sicily did produce historians , like Hippys of Rhegion , or Antiochus and Philistus of Syracuse , the ‘ Sicilian Herodotus and the Sicilian Thucydides ’ ; even Dionysius I , tyrant of Syracuse from the late fifth century to 367 , wrote history as well as the tragedies and comedies for which he was , as we shall see , more famous .
15 Her traces of the smallest spider web ,
16 Emperors are winter breeders , gathering on inshore sea ice to lay their single eggs in May and June , incubating and brooding chicks on their feet through the coldest months in temperatures that may drop below -50°C .
17 The students were being fed contradictory messages and did what they could to lead their lives in the best way possible , given deteriorating conditions and mounting ideological and political debates .
18 Jacqui 's occupation had n't improved it ; she was n't the sort of girl who immediately revolutionized a place and gave it a woman 's touch ; she just spread her belongings over the widest possible area .
19 They perceive their contributions in the broadest sense .
20 Katharine finds her commissions in the oddest ways , especially now that she is sequestered in deepest Dorset .
21 Instead they rise to the surface to take what we provide and show off their colours to the best advantage .
22 ‘ Did he now , ’ said Rose , highly amused at this resurgence into their affairs of the biggest fence in London .
23 There were about four hundred of these allotments , most of which were immediately ‘ developed ’ by their owners without the slightest reference to neighbouring allotments and owners The pattern of the roads and streets was largely determined by the medieval footpaths and furlongs of the open fields .
24 The event went down in their traditions as the greatest act of salvation ever performed by their God on their behalf .
25 The new missiles will be much more effective than their predecessors against the latest Russian tanks , and worldwide sales are estimated to be worth thousands of millions of pounds .
26 Come along and meet scarf designer Georgina von Etzdorf and jewellery designers Donatella Pellini of of Pellini , Dinny Hall and American jewellery designer Mish Tworkowski and see their predictions for the hottest accessory looks this autumn .
27 Woe to those they serve who are clad in silk , loll on couches , and fill their bellies with the best of food and the richness of wine .
28 The electronic mouse detector system introduced by Rentokil over a year ago has now received full patent protection [ no 2,179481 ] and several companies have installed the system in order to protect their businesses with the best possible ‘ early warning system ’ , yet without chemical rodenticides .
29 Under the transitional provisions , where , on 9 March 1992 , employer-related investments that existed on 17 February 1992 exceeded the 5% limit , the fund in question may be required to reduce its net investment in the lease to a level not exceeding 5% of its resources on the earliest date on which payment can be enforced ( assuming the agreement was effected prior to 17 February 1992 ) .
30 Over the years , companies legislation has grown both in volume and complexity and it is questionable as to whether the legislation achieves its aims in the simplest possible way .
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