Example sentences of "[pron] [am/are] take the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Next time I am taking the air in the palace gardens , I shall send word to you , brother-in-law , ’ I said .
2 The police service themselves recognize that there has to be a a need for change that they have to be brought up to date er and er I think you 'll see when I a announce my decisions on the Sheahy report er that er I am taking the need to er reform the police service , very seriously indeed .
3 ‘ Granny came up one day and saw her , and she said , ‘ You ca n't go on like this : I 'm taking the boy back with me . ’
4 Yes she wanted to ride this morn I 'm taking the buggy like this so I can carry the fruit and vegetables back from the market .
5 But I bought some beautiful crimson bias binding from Laura Ashley do n't laugh but I 'm taking the valance of Paul 's bed
6 Damon said , ‘ I 'm taking the short-cut ’ , and dived in with his board by the rocks .
7 I 'm taking the bike to the village . ’
8 I 'm not I 'm taking the piss out the way he said it .
9 Listen , listen , listen I 'm not taking the piss out of the point cos I know the point 's very serious but I 'm taking the piss out of the way he said it cos I think he sounded stupid but that does n't mean I have any disrespect for erm
10 I 'm taking the bits out .
11 I I 'm taking the bits out .
12 Anyway , when father comes back I 'm taking the rest of the day off . ’
13 Oh I 'm taking the phone up to phone my sister .
14 I 'm taking the pips out .
15 I 'm taking the chopper from your helipad here back to London .
16 I 'm taking the Cortina , the clutch is playing up on the Renault .
17 Jackie phoned me up to say , she phoned me up today for a chat , we were chatting away and she said erm , I heard Brenda , Brenda , so I knew it was girl , and er , I was saying she walked straight into the kitchen and I was sort of still on the phone , I was saying yeah , yeah , ok and erm , I said I 'm going out shopping and I 'm taking the dog with me , I said ok fair enough , she said well you 'll probably be gone when I get back , I said oh might be but she said but I do n't know and erm you know and I just put the phone down cos she wanted to see the pictures , my little girl asked put all the pictures up for him and er were looking at all the pictures and I 'd forgotten about Jack on the phone you know , so she s all of a sudden I got back she said oh your phone call she said who you talking too ?
18 I 'm taking the shots here ’ , he said .
19 And do n't forget any of you who would like to go to Goldthorpe I 'm taking the names
20 So he s , I said to him is it alright , says am I in danger of coasting if I 've got my foot on the if , if I 'm taking the corner in first and I 'm slipping and I got the clutch , I 'm using the engine but I 've , not much
21 I 'm taking the silence to be assent .
22 I 'm taking the children to watch the bonfire just after six .
23 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the best and most subtle way to prevent such attacks is to ensure that the British people know that they have a Government who are taking the steps necessary to keep firm control of immigration and particularly to prevent people from abusing our immigration rules by entering this country under the bogus concept of being political refugees ?
24 who are taking the lead in setting up the new Divisions — are now starting discussions , where necessary backed by targeted groups to take our thinking forward .
25 If you are taking the patient out frequently , and rely on the car as his necessary transport , you should qualify for a disabled permit to park in restricted areas .
26 Lean forward as you rise As in the beach start , by leaning down on a straight front arm you are taking the weight off the back of the board and putting it on the mast foot .
27 Notice by the way , that you should take care not to touch the knitting , cast-on comb or weights while you are taking the lace carriage across , to avoid dropping stitches .
28 F4 A minimum of two of your crew are fit and active and both will have completed a Fal Sail ‘ Introduction to Yachting ’ course the same year you 're taking the holiday .
29 ‘ People were waiting for us to sign things and it was like , you 're taking the piss out of us , are n't you ? ’
30 You 're taking the mick !
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