Example sentences of "[pron] [am/are] not [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some , at least , of this confusion and inconsistency arise out of misunderstanding as to what is meant by Wages for Housework , so before proceeding any further I propose to change the term in order to indicate ( a ) that I am not spokeswoman for , nor even in complete agreement with , the campaign of that name ; ( b ) that I do not propose to be sidetracked into an interesting discussion of the precise scientific definition of ‘ wage ’ ; what I am talking about is cash , money , pound notes , that to which a housewife is not entitled , that to which she should be ; and ( c ) that there is housework and housework .
2 I am not flavour of the week in some quarters as you may well imagine .
3 They did n't want me for pastoral and I 'm not head of department .
4 Living Doll I 'm not Poetry In
5 I 'm not part of some cultural fad .
6 Singleton : ‘ I 'm not part of some cultural fad ’
7 I 'm not part of the organisation .
8 Well to be quite , to be quite honestly sweety , I mean , I look at him and I think I 'm not unfond of him
9 Not only is it raining , it 's 5 o'clock , and though I 'm not defeatist by nature I do n't even bother looking for a taxi , deciding instead to walk the two miles back to the London flat .
10 Perhaps I 'll do it by process of elimination ; find out what I 'm not bit by bit until I know who I am . ’
11 So although you would have I do n't know but I I hope I 'm not sort of I really am trying to find out although you 'd have his coffin in the front room where you would be living
12 er I mean I 'm not sort of trying to point the finger at her , but
13 You know , I 'm not sort of er
14 I do n't know I 'm not use to going in the meadows .
15 I 'm not time to wasting my time .
16 It is extremely positive it sta , it clears these points up and and answers most of these questions so I would urge Mr Chairman that to on sheer education , on terms of provision of services , I 'm not party to all of the politics , I agree with what you said , absolutely crazy .
17 There are certain other contracts which are not contracts of sale of goods but which are analogous contracts because the ownership of goods passes under them , e.g. contracts of exchange and barter and contracts for labour and materials supplied ( see Chapter 8 above ) .
18 Subsidiarity betrays certain assumptions about politics which are not part of the British tradition .
19 The waste paper necessary for the industry is bought from warehouses which are not part of the Cartón de Colombia company .
20 It should be noted that , properly speaking , wrappers are quite different from jackets or dust wrappers , which are not part of the binding but simply an extraneous protection .
21 Hanson has been built up into one of Britain 's leading companies over a period of twenty years based on an acquisition philosophy which involves a reduction in the acquired company 's bureaucracy , devolution of responsibility to local managers , a tight control of capital expenditure and a disposal of some of the peripheral assets which are not part of the company 's ‘ core activities ’ .
22 In studying stylistic values , we are precisely trying to determine the significances which are not part of the code itself , but are generated in its use of the code .
23 The following are examples of the three congruence variants : finger is a congruent meronym of hand ; doctor is a hypo-converse of patient , and patient a super-converse of doctor , because , for instance , dentists also have patients ; index is a semi-meronym of book , because there are books without indexes , and indexes which are not part of a book .
24 Let us now consider the class of mental processes which are not perspective-takings of this kind , which are , in some sense , directly caused by proximal stimuli .
25 Other nations , which are not signatories to the treaty , are understood to be developing nuclear weapons .
26 They include some nations — especially in northern Europe — which are sophisticated in terms of technology and policy , and are among Europe 's wealthiest nations but which are not members of the European Community .
27 For those of you who are clerks to Community Councils which are not members of CPRW , I would like to ask you to consider joining and help us both to strengthen the ability of your community to protect and enhance its environment .
28 There are councils which are not anti-detectorists at all and allow free detecting , providing not justifiable complaints are made .
29 Instead of trying to change old attitudes we can set out to design new ones which are not descendants of the old ones .
30 The portfolio also contains a number of low equity interests that are peripheral to LASMO 's main areas of activity and which are not material to the fortunes of the enlarged Group .
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