Example sentences of "[pron] [am/are] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And I am going into the light and I am going into time , and if I am to save the world , then I shall have served the world , and if I do not save the world , then at least I shall have tried .
2 The reason why I consulted my brief was because I am to visit the Young Vic shortly and I was not certain whether the hon. Gentleman would appear on the stage or in the audience on that occasion .
3 You have already second , but I was going to second it , and say how very pleased I am to have the opportunity to second it .
4 Are you pleased with me — that I 'm to manage the London branch of the Maison de Verveine ? ’
5 ‘ Well then , Miss Polly , if I 'm to have the pleasure of your company on an outing it will have to be soon .
6 Hewlett-Packard 's peripherals division in Bblingen , Germany has announced two new 600dpi , 16 page per minute printers , the LaserJet 4si and 4si Mx which are to replace the IIIsi and IIID range .
7 So the situations which are to stimulate the use of the language being learned will have to be contrived in some way , and the learners will have to co-operate in maintaining the illusion of reality .
8 We have to start with some broad-cut view of the areas of the company which we believe should be encouraged to go ahead , the areas of the company which we believe have got to be held back or even disposed of , those which are to perform the function of cash cows , and those we wish to encourage to develop in more aggressive and adventurous ways than they have hitherto .
9 Ardnaveigh High is one of four schools in the Bannside Health Area which are to introduce the Health Board/ Education pilot sex education project .
10 ‘ I know what their intentions are , which are to enhance the individual 's life so that collectively we are all enhanced — to try to do stuff out of the mould of the old politics , which the three main parties are dealing with .
11 My hon. Friends ' constituents should be aware of the exact commitment made by those who are to manage the trust once it is established on 1
12 The conversation continues after delivery , with training for the staff who are to use the system , and support services while the system is in use .
13 On top of all this there is the pronouncement by the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate that it sees no reason why the PWR should not receive a licence for construction and operation in the UK , so long as the CEGB and the people who are to build the power station get it right .
14 ‘ Dame Catherine ! ’ she snapped ‘ You are to rouse the labourers .
15 Arranging the interview in an organized fashion , and making sure it takes place in relaxing circumstances , are very important if you are to see the candidates at their best and so be able to make a well-informed decision .
16 However , magazines will drive a hard bargain arid if you are to enjoy the advantages of full page coverage you will have to offer a very good discount , guarantee stocks and pay a handling fee .
17 If you are to enjoy the college experience to the full , you need to lose no time in finding your way around college .
18 If you are to enjoy the satisfaction of growing one , clearly it helps to know how to combat all the pests and diseases that conspire to stop you .
19 Remember that changes are necessary if you are to obtain the stability you crave .
20 Pattern Notes If you are to fulfil the examiner 's expectations you must learn to use historical information in an analytical and flexible way .
21 You are to double the guards : and all the gardeners and weeders are to be examined every day .
22 You are to ensure the candles are doused and the church is kept safe and , if you are so concerned about the cemetery , keep a watch there yourself ’
23 However , if you are to write the feature remember to check on the editor 's requirements as to length , the number of illustrations , the date of issue of the article and the copy deadline .
24 In real life the playing are would be the size of a small village and every inch must be searched if you are to capture the flag .
25 The younger you are , the more likely you are to tell the truth .
26 It is I , after all , who am to have the child … ’
27 But they could n't be that stupid , Vi reasoned derisively as she nodded to Sister Annunciata and called , ‘ Father says you 're to make the tea . ’
28 Ah , if you 're to believe the press that it costs about seven thousand pounds for a wedding , an average cost for a wedding
29 If nobody else wants to speak , erm , Councillor you 're to deliver the recommendation .
30 That depends crucially on how seriously we are to take the actors ' own accounts of what they do .
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