Example sentences of "[pron] [am/are] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The advantages that skill and intelligence once gave me are nullified by shop bought electronics and an ’ Ever Ready ’ Power Pack .
2 The Law Society acts through its Council which is composed of 70 solicitors , 56 of whom are elected by members of the Society with the remaining 14 being elected by the Council itself .
3 the paper and this report introduces the draft version of the highly transportation from it with consultation of organization down in the business , some whom are listed in section two
4 Each year there are close to 600 incidents of crime reported to our police , around two thirds of whom are based on BNFL sites .
5 NEARLY 100,000 young people go missing in Britain each year , many of whom are lured into prostitution in fear of their lives by ‘ the unscrupulous and powerful ’ , according to a study into the country 's first safe house for young runaways .
6 Their total number at the 1981 census was about 168,000 , 90 per cent of whom are found in Serbia proper , Kosovo and Macedonia .
7 The bands are Steed , Brick Supply , Watersnakes , and Mojo , all of whom are signed to Graeme Robinson 's new label , Circulation .
8 By the same token , the public school choice would not be surprised to find that the Labour Party opposition regarded the official unemployment figures as underestimates The arguments that divided them are illustrated in Table 10–2 , which reproduces in a slightly amended form a table that appeared in The Sunday Times ( 6 November 1983 ) .
9 Often referred to as vegetable dyes , despite the fact that many of them are obtained from animal and mineral sources .
10 When immigrant children first enter the borough they are sent , if the education department has any doubts about their English , to an assessment centre , and from there a large proportion of them are channelled into reception classes .
11 And finally , the criminal injuries compensation scheme , to cut the amounts paid to people who are victims of gang rape , to cut the amount paid to people who are victims of child abuse , that shows just how much the Home Secretary cares about the victims of crime , and his other measures show that he 's far more concerned with his own career , with pleasing the Conservative party conference , and with trying to do anything , anything I mean he 's brought in whatever it is , twenty-seven proposals , one or two of them are bound to work , if you throw enough stuff at the fan , some of it usually hits the target .
12 They act as a powerful aphrodisiac on pigs , and synthesised versions of them are sprayed onto sows to make them receptive before artificial insemination .
13 More details of these charts and how to complete them are given in ILO ( 1979 ) .
14 Details of the availability of the datasets and the Pascal programs needed to make use of them are given in Miller and Reddy ( 1987 ) .
15 For example , in 1980 the British government consulted no fewer than 500 groups in drafting its legislation based upon the Finniston Report on Engineering , even though many of these groups had a negligible impact upon the government , sixteen of them are regarded by Richardson and Jordan as key' groups .
16 So many of them are based on wordplay , puns . ’
17 All of them are made in America , where this kind of stuff is more popular .
18 ‘ A lot of them are planned for areas in the South Downs , which we really do n't want .
19 In other words , all the negative characteristics of humanity as men perceive them are projected onto women .
20 All of them are suspected of links with Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman , a blind Egyptian preacher who lives in New Jersey and urges an Islamic holy struggle against the West and the government of President Hosni Mubarak .
21 From the list of industries , which of them are connected with agriculture ?
22 Yet changes which at first seem major or dramatic often fade in significance as parts of them are assimilated into school operation or attention is diverted to newer concerns .
23 Differences between them are assimilated to differences on sex-differentiated traits like masculinity or self-confidence .
24 I do n't know why they do it , the screws , because half of them are bent as butchers ' hooks anyway .
25 Perhaps male bats have body surfaces that are subtly textured so that the echoes that bounce off them are perceived by females as gorgeously coloured , the sound equivalent of the nuptial plumage of a bird of paradise .
26 We have seen that , according to Althusser 's reading , Marx is committed to arguing that practices are mutually dependent , and some of the links between them are displayed in Althusser 's attempt to clarify the relations between the practices of capitalist society .
27 A number of them are duplicated in Windows 3.1 and these are more up to date versions .
28 Some of them are run with creche facilities .
29 A number of them are patched with squares of the ubiquitous plywood which is also employed to board up the now empty , adjoining , caretaker 's house .
30 Attempts to reduce all the factors to a common denominator through placing a monetary value upon them are riddled with uncertainty .
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