Example sentences of "[pron] [am/are] [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 cos Edmund and I are the same age
2 I am the same woman you fell in love with then , the very same .
3 I am the same woman you fell in love with then , the very same .
4 SIR — I am the same age as the funniest sports writer around , Michael Parkinson .
5 And erm well I am the same status and I am his colleague and all this you know I can help you .
6 He said : ‘ I 'm the same player I was before my injury in the FA Cup final , but I just use my head a little bit more and try to get more people involved in the game .
7 I 'm I 'm the same as you I 'm the same darling !
8 They said that was n't possible and I think I 'm the same opinion as Harry if you 're writing off and stop them going down Station Lane they 'll probably withdraw it altogether .
9 I 'm the same height as the youth you 've hired , ’ she said . ’
10 The eggs , which are the same size as the adult male mite , take 3 to 4 days to hatch into the three-legged larva .
11 This is why people who are the same age as one another usually end up being friends because they are going through the same experiences simultaneously .
12 You are the same family as us .
13 Well we were talking about timing for people , you 're the same time in your car as you are in
14 You 're the same age as that boy would have been , see if you 've got sixteen ! ’
15 Yeah in having said that you 're the same age as me
16 You 've given me enough food to keep me alive and Cousin Genti 's cast-off clothing , seeing we 're the same size .
17 Not surprisingly , the author of these angst-ridden vignettes wholeheartedly agrees , ‘ we 're the same whinging , moaning , miserable old bastards we were 15 years ago and proud of it ! if anything .
18 There are the same number .
19 Although some children may be capable of finding there are the same number of things in two sets ( by matching ) , they may not be at all sure there are still the same number of the objects if one of the sets is differently arranged .
20 Taking one of a pair of identical towers and re-building in another form , e.g. helps the child towards the idea of invariance of number — there are the same number of blocks ‘ before ’ and ‘ after ’ although they look different .
21 There are the same number of galaxies as there are stars in any one galaxy .
22 I think it is helpful to think of the latter as debtor ( creditor-supplier ) agreements since this emphasizes the fact that in such agreements there is some connection between the creditor and the supplier : either they are the same person eg in the credit-sale , conditional sale , of HP agreement ; or there are business arrangements between them .
23 ‘ They wear similar clothes , and they are the same build and colouring when you come to think of it .
24 They are the same phenomenon as water seeming to appear on a dry English road on a sunny day .
25 Much of the literature on goals has linked recognition and power and concluded that they are the same goal set .
26 They are the same size , have the same green skin , and overall it would be hard to tell one from another were it not for their distinctive styles of dress and skin painting .
27 For the sake of graphic unity they are the same size as the blocks used elsewhere in this section .
28 Rigid plastic cisterns ( polypropylene ) have the advantage that they are the same size as the galvanised cisterns they replace .
29 Are you suggesting that he should replace McAllister because they are the same type of player ?
30 Sometimes , to show that learning is not forgotten , the two terms are run together in the phrase ‘ teaching and learning ’ , as if they are the same kind of activity with similar aims .
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