Example sentences of "[pron] [not/n't] [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Could we not be told that after Wellesley 's magnificent Arabian charger , Diomed , left him by a brother officer killed in a squalid duel , was piked at Assaye he insisted he should be nursed back to fitness and not put down like the other wounded horses ?
2 Yes but could they not be brainwashed if you like into thinking well there 's nothing much wrong there is n't such a thing as evil
3 Had it not been realised that it was the work of a humble man , this poem would be thought a sacrilege and an example of striking pride and arrogance , but instead it is an invitation to extreme exaltation of spirit for it comes from a man who has submerged his ego in the All .
4 Indeed , had it not been constructed when it was , Peter Scott 's Wildfowl Trust situated further up river at Slimbridge would probably have lost much of its new grounds to erosion by now .
5 The decision on this paragraph turns on the proper construction of the crucial words ‘ in matters relating to a contract , ’ it not being disputed that the place of performance of the obligation in question ( if it exists ) was England .
6 Let it not be said that the government rushes into legislation without consultation .
7 The question to be asked then is , given that women are unlike Jesus of Nazareth in the form of their humanity , may it not be said that a woman baptized into Christ is not differently related than is a man to Jesus as the Christ ?
8 But could it not be argued that the RSPCA , and others who carry out such a praiseworthy activity , are interfering with the natural selection process ?
9 Since it is generally agreed that intelligence has a genetic component , can it not be argued that social inequality has a biological basis ?
10 " Let it not be imagined that grouse are an easy quarry for any hawk to take .
11 Will it not be found that the political activity of societies consists ordinarily , perhaps invariably , in filling sieves and making sand ropes — sieves which those who fill them half know to be sieves , sand which those who weave it into ropes suspect to be sand after all ?
12 Let it not be forgotten that in the years leading to the war the Tories were so scared of Russia that they missed the chance to establish a partnership which might well have prevented war .
13 Similarly , the value of a reinvestigation could be weakened if , instead of co-operating , the suspect leaves his explanation for the trial , when not only can it not be investigated but when it could also cast doubt on the value of any re-investigation that has taken place .
14 And he , Neil Cochrane , really did know about such Birds of Paradise , for had he not been loved and betrayed by one , and learned his bitter lesson — never to love or trust a woman again ?
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