Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [adv] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the big retail market which opens later on the combined scents of ripe peaches and the fresh basil and thyme plants lying in heaps on the ground gave us our first sniff of Provence .
2 On Lock Maree Crag he climbed the heavenly line of Arial , E3 5c with George Ridge , which blasts straight up the central crackline in the massive 50-metre pitch .
3 It is one of the few pubs in London where the landlord and his staff have mastered the art of pulling a really good pint of bitter : one with a creamy head which lasts right down the glass .
4 A short mile further on , the road passes over the stream , Ais Gill , issuing from the impressive limestone confines of White Kirk , hidden by the railway viaduct and unseen and unsuspected from the road which continues uneventfully down the valley and arrives at the compact little community of Outhgill .
5 First of all the interest er it ranks higher up the hierarchy .
6 But Baldersdale does have one extra visual blessing rarely seen in the Dales — water , Hury Reservoir was built a century or so ago and it stretches sinuously up a major portion of the valley .
7 He steps slowly up the shallow Hollywood stretch-steps dripping like a teddy-bear out of a rinse cycle .
8 He runs straight up the stone steps leading to the terrace — it 's part of a small public garden — rounds the urn at the top , and comes face to face with her , with no idea at all inside his head as to what words will emerge from his mouth .
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