Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The provisions of the 1990 National Health Service and Community Care Act make the following statutory requirements of case managers : ‘ Where it appears to a local authority that any person for whom they may provide or arrange for the provision of community care services may be in need of any such services , the authority ( a ) shall carry out an assessment of his needs for those services and ( b ) having regard to the results of that assessment , shall then decide whether his needs call for the provision by them of any such services . ’
2 In addition to the secretary of state for the environment , the director-general of water services , and the EC commissioners , regulators include the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( which has already stepped in to prevent unwelcome mergers ) ; the local authorities ( responsible for monitoring and controlling the standard of clean water supplies ) ; the Drinking Water Inspectorate ( the auditor of technical standards ) ; the National Rivers Authority ( responsible for monitoring and controlling pollution in rivers , lakes and coastal waters , and for maintaining sea walls ) ; Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution , HMIP ( which grants consents for the release of toxic substances into the environment ) ; and the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food ( responsible for granting consents for disposals at sea ) .
3 It may be interposed here that it is not the past event , the crime , which needs replication for the purpose of verification , but the investigation .
4 The tier of local government which accepts responsibility for the major spending departments of education and social services becomes dominant in financial terms and consequently in status .
5 Information which places guilt for the patient 's illness on the family might only serve to reinforce their overprotective and critical communication styles , which may have arisen in the first place for just this reason .
6 There is a possible test for the establishment of a sense , which has consequences for the second family of tests for ambiguity described earlier .
7 In 1986 the International Whaling Commission , which has responsibility for the baleen whales , declared a moratorium on commercial whaling of the 11 great whales so that stock could be assessed .
8 The acceptance of the former dogma rather than the second depends on an acceptance of the unique salvation history expressed by God through his people Israel which has significance for the whole of mankind .
9 Another country which has weapons for the same reason as Iraq is the Arab state of Libya .
10 The interaction between c-Myc and Bcl-2 thus represents a novel model for oncogene cooperation which has implications for the genesis and the progression of neoplastic disease .
11 A magical brazier in the north-west corner has a number of branding irons heating in it , and next to it is an inlaid marble slab with iron supports which has room for a body to be strapped on to it , plus a tray of gleaming metal scalpels , thumbscrews , small-bone crunching implements , pincers and similar implements .
12 One body which is not dragging its heels is the CBI , which wants space for an industrial design and enterprise centre — an idea backed by Westminster Council and the City Corporation .
13 Deceleration commences with a long delay number ( 25 ) , which allows time for the rotor to swing past the equilibrium position into a position where the motor is producing the negative torque required for deceleration .
14 Such protestations ferment a running sore which breeds contempt for the authorities .
15 ‘ We all feel badly let down , ’ said Margaret Basterfield , of the Friends Of The Institute which raises funds for the charity .
16 If you are a small family , look for models with the sort of controls that allow you rinse-and-hold cycles — a short cycle which rinses dishes for a short time to get rid of dried-on food and any smells so that they can then wait till you have a full load to put through .
17 Third , the power of any ‘ probouleutic ’ body ( that is , one which prepares business for a larger sovereign meeting ) will be enhanced the more often it , and the less often the sovereign body , meets .
18 Currently it is £18,000 , which includes £2,000 for the recently built leisure facilities .
19 In the table below ( Table 1 ) , which shows data for the years 1973–79 , the combined number of employees dying from fatal accidents or occupational diseases ( most of which are avoidable if employing corporations obeyed government regulations and designed safe production schedules or paid for hazard-free work environments ) far exceed the number of homicide cases recorded by the police .
20 In Chalatenango a permanent Local Government Executive was elected in May 1983 , which administers affairs for the whole zone .
21 Their immediate neighbours helped the Hauxwells with a willingness which speaks volumes for the selfless , caring attitude common among Dalesfolk .
22 Careful manipulation of the mid-boost even provided some pretty creditable electro-acoustic sounds , which speaks volumes for the versatility of the instrument and its circuitry .
23 SDR General Manager Richard Elliott commented : ‘ Having only run some 22,000 miles since its rebuilt , No. 80064 is in good condition which speaks volumes for the quality of the original restoration led by our Chief Engineer Alan Gosling and the subsequent care by the Bluebell Railway .
24 At the welfare centre in Seoul 's Chungang University which serves food for the capital 's poorest children , she was offered a beef-filled pancake .
25 This reasoning no longer applies following s1(a) of the 1967 Act which permits rescission for a misrepresentation , even where the misrepresentation has become a term of the contract .
26 No teacher will wear or display on his person or car a badge which indicates support for a pressure group ( like CND or Greenpeace ) .
27 Its attracts support for the Warnock majority proposal by implying that the pre-14 day embryo has an inferior moral worth to the post-14 day embryo .
28 Patricof , which manages funds for a number of UK institutions including Eagle Star and Standard Life , hopes to float the company on the stock market in five years .
29 Invisibles are , in fact anything else which earns money for the UK such as tourism , transport services , consultancy , computer programming and training to name but a few .
30 Proactive tax advice by MAS and KPMG may enable the purchaser to offer a deal structure which provides benefits for the vendors at little or no extra cost to the purchaser .
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