Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] as [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Walking slowly into the ocean , which was as still as a mill-pond , she could n't help relishing the feel of the cool salty water on her heated flesh .
2 She could n't reach Kelpie from the nearest branch to him , but when she was as near as she could get she put out her hand and called softly to him , just as she used to do at home .
3 Lorton had known who they were as soon as he 'd seen them ; he had been expecting the police , though not quite as soon as this , and in any case salesmen rarely travelled in pairs .
4 I wonder if I could have belonged to revolutionary movements , even if they were as just as — I find the panthers ' movement and the Palestinians ' movement to be very just — but this belonging , this sympathizing with them is at the same time dictated by the erotic charge which the Arab world in its totality or the black American world represents to me , to my sexuality .
5 ‘ Girls ’ , he called us , ‘ girls ’ , enjoying his situation : it was as near as he was likely to get to being a pasha in a harem .
6 A more unlikely situation for a cinema was hard to imagine , but the driver pointed to a set of steps burrowing up between two houses and explained that it was as near as he could get in a car .
7 The Conservatives ' advantage over Labour in the post-election survey is nearly double what it was in 1964 and treble what it was as recently as on Tuesday and Wednesday last week : 1964Wk 1Wk 2Wk 3Wk 4Now Conservatives ' best 45 45 43 44 45 52 Labour best 34 37 38 38 38 31 Con advantage+11 +8 +5 +6 +7+21 While the Tories were triumphing on the issues , they were also triumphing on the matter of personal leadership .
8 He was as near as dammit to being a stylistic carbon copy of Hell .
9 He was as near as a lover or a parent could ever come .
10 The green cloak sank in folds round him , and he was as still as a statue .
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