Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] take [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I was taken to a room which I had to share with three others , two Indian women and one black man , ’ she told me .
2 That wonderful day ended on a most romantic note when I was taken to a lovely dinner in a large hotel , still wearing my floral dress .
3 I was taken to a main camp called Lamstor camp in er Polish er German border .
4 Perhaps because I was taken for a Jew .
5 I was taken by a teacher , Miss Miller , through the silent corridors of the large school , to the long , wide schoolroom .
6 I was taken by a Turkish friend to visit a cliff section in Upper Cretaceous sediments near Sile on the Black Sea coast .
7 Police involved in the search for the animal , which was taken from a field near Ballymoney , Co Antrim , 10 days ago , confirmed that .
8 If a decision that he regarded as properly belonging to himself was taken at a lower level ( even by the prime minister ) , he invariably administered a sharp rebuke .
9 One moment she was directing Maria in the making of knead cakes , the next she was taken with a sensation of wishing to bear down , no pains preceding it , and had a struggle to get herself to bed and to have Ferdinando and the midwife sent for .
10 THE Queen Mother 's consultant was today deciding whether she should spend a second night in the hospital where she was taken with a throat problem .
11 She was taken to a psychiatric hospital but doctors soon realised this girl trapped in a world of witches was no ordinary vagrant .
12 She was taken to a psychatric hospital .
13 She was taken to a small Gestapo prison near the Bastille , and thanked her lucky stars it was n't Gestapo HQ on the Avenue Foch .
14 By the time she was thirteen the routine of agony and rebellion on one side and vengeful discipline on the other had worn everyone out and she was taken to a barber .
15 She was taken to a comfortable bedroom with stone mullions and changed into clothes appropriate for the occasion .
16 She was taken as a child from Virginia to the plains of Nebraska , whose earth and immigrant farmers form the subject of her central fiction .
17 Protesting her innocence , she was taken in a police van from Heathrow to a police station , near the flat where Gemma was found alone after Ms Gibson left for the Costa del Sol with a male friend .
18 The letter-writer is an orthopaedic surgeon who was taken off a plane as he was about to make a short visit to the UK where he had been a post-graduate student .
19 If the impression created by these furious responses was that garotting ( as in other instances of street violence that we have already encountered in other historical periods ) represented a novel departure in the national character , then elsewhere the garotting panic itself was taken as a sign of temperamental instability .
20 A few minutes ' drive and we were taken into a building .
21 A porter let us in and we were taken into a great yard .
22 We were taken into a small chapel and some Spanish border guards gave us hot coffee and bread .
23 I had the great advantage of being brought up by a really traditional , old-fashioned nanny , who saw us through numerous disasters , one of which was the very memorable moment during the blitz when we were taken to a very smart tea shop in Curzon Street , a place where nannies met each other and their charges were just kept in tow .
24 After a few days , we were taken to a camp for women and children north of Perpignan , where there was food and shelter , although not enough of either .
25 Next morning we were taken to a small village nearby , on a patch of dry ground in the middle of a bog , and on this uninviting spot the chief , an aged , autocratic savage called Afleodham , instructed us to camp .
26 And at the end of the session we were taken for a tow round the harbour .
27 Unlike most of Masur 's Leipzig recordings , this one was taken from a live concert , given last October in Avery Fisher Hall .
28 Birdbath theft : Two birdbaths have been stolen from addresses in Darlington , one was taken from a garden in Esk Road and another from outside a house in Prior Street .
29 Birdbath theft : Two birdbaths have been stolen from addresses in Darlington , one was taken from a garden in Esk Road and another from outside a house in Prior Street .
30 They were taken to a room with walls of glass , overlooked by a central console with nurses in attendance .
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