Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier we described a paradox which was that each user or group of users has a different need for information and the way that is presented to him .
2 One was that some members of the public were unaware that they need not pay and gave in to the pressure of successive threatening letters .
3 And one was that this bungalow should be retained completely er by members of the Hosiery Finishers in spite of being a national union which of course has still operated , and secondly , that er nobody should go to this union until er er at least when I 've finished that they should be voted for and they were n't going to impose anybody on this union , they 'd vote for somebody from among their own members , which of course operated and that 's operating now .
4 Before the clampdown , I used to be able to score round here , there was that many places that you can score really .
5 The trouble for him was that this manifesto — ‘ the longest suicide note in history ’ — had also made his party entirely unelectable .
6 It was that fiendish Perdita Macleod .
7 And the farther away they were , the more likely it was that one tribe would dominate the district .
8 And so it was that all Hollywood 's difficulties led somewhat accidentally to what Ralph A. Bauer has described as a period whose movies ‘ were perhaps as varied and intriguing ’ as the movies produced in any comparably short period in American history .
9 Historians have to explain how it was that slower increase up to then permitted an expansion of the home market which the later faster rate of population increase did not reverse .
10 Hare wondered aloud on television why it was that English culture had lost the ability to state clearly that Keats was a better poet , for example , than Bob Dylan .
11 And just as it was that the woman was instrumental in the fall of the human race , so it was that another woman was instrumental in its restoration .
12 Their general demeanour was like that of elderly clubmen determined that it should be clearly understood that they were men of the world , fully alive to all the tricks of your Tom , Dick and Harry ; yet their actual questions and comments revealed that they had not the remotest notion what sort of a world it was that these East End people they were listening to actually lived in , or how to evaluate their characters and the plausibility of what they said .
13 Whatever it was that these men planned , Trent remained certain that it was too sophisticated to have been plotted by the murderers of Colombia 's drug trade .
14 ‘ I really am sorry , ’ he repeated and wondered why it was that these lunches , designed as an escape from responsibility , had begun to weigh on him with the weariness of marriage itself .
15 ‘ What shocked me was that one wall could make such a difference , ’ he said .
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