Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [adj] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 I was nervous at first .
2 I was dubious at first because since her illness Jennifer has become a very private person and I do n't think she would have liked all the hubbub over in the other section ; but here — ’ she glanced round at the softly decorated walls , the strategically placed water-colours and the subdued lighting ‘ — here , I think , could well be the answer . ’
3 But if you open that , you 'll see why I was unhappy at first . ’
4 I was puzzled at first but now I know why they do it , why they stretch their throats like that .
5 I was worried at first , when Irene started crying again before we had even taken our seats .
6 I was surprised at first that Jean-Claude bathed so infrequently .
7 I used to take it personally , and I was wretched at first .
8 I was okay at first , I thought I was going somewhere .
9 I was lonely at first .
10 I was afraid at first she might turn you into one of these ridiculous society cats who insist on seeing a man 's family tree before speaking to him .
11 I was afraid at first , but then I got used to it .
12 I was amazed at first , for most Irish people never carry on like this , and those that do have first to be very sure of their company .
13 She was nervous at first , but gradually she came out of it .
14 She was cautious at first , but her movements were coordinating rapidly .
15 She was shy at first , scared of failing him , but his undisguised pleasure in her tentative caresses made her gain confidence , and become bolder .
16 I thought she was dreadful at first .
17 She was amused at first and then became grave and after a pause said : ‘ Of course , he 's perfectly right . ’
18 one client who was antagonistic at first , and even refused to let the support worker into the house on her second day , but after that ‘ Was fine ’ ;
19 The group invited the local Elder of the Jehovah 's Witnesses , who was wary at first , but then agreed to attend as an ‘ observer ’ .
20 It was , and still is , a situation which sticks in the craw of the man who was responsible for first introducing diesels at S & N , the company 's former physical distribution director , Ray Stark .
21 We were shocked at first .
22 And she adds : ‘ We were shocked at first .
23 We were shocked at first ’ said Denise .
24 Then the letters came fairly regularly , but they were strange at first — sometimes almost assuming the old relationship , sometimes defensively impersonal , as if he were afraid — we both were — to take too much for granted .
25 They were simple at first , like Poynder Terrace , but towards the end such houses as Manor Terrace were generous in accommodation and well constructed .
26 So seriously indeed did the Residents take themselves that they were unwilling at first even to allow the stationing of subordinate European officers in the districts .
27 They were distant at first , but though they came nearer , neither she nor Adam moved .
28 But , although they were amused at first , I do n't think they liked it and , after a while , he was sent for treatment .
29 It was strange at first because I was used to Mum cooking dinners .
30 It was awkward at first , and Ari felt a little embarrassed .
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