Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [adv] the first " in BNC.

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1 I may venture to add Jerry and I were probably the first Scottish kids to hear this coming over the air .
2 yeah I mean to be honest it 's just a case of one of you , it does go that way , I knew I was right the first time , of one of you just remembering
3 I was normally the first RAF person to view the scene , and I find it quite unbearable to attempt to describe the desolation and carnage that confronted one on a hilltop in the isolation and splendour of the Scottish Highlands .
4 For I was not the first to have stood in Balboa 's footprints .
5 I even think I was not the first .
6 I first drew attention to the shortcomings of this edition in 1981 I was not the first to suspect it : as long ago as 1964 Sir Charles Mackerras , in preparing Castor et Pollux for a BBC broadcast , became suspicious of some of the scoring , went over to Paris to inspect the sources for himself , and made some extensive last-minute changes .
7 Early maternal deprivation had clearly left him with a hankering for mother figures in his life and I was n't the first .
8 ‘ I felt betrayed , ’ said Quinn , ‘ when I discovered I was n't the first man .
9 Merchanting er , is the buying and selling of materials not the production of materials , and erm , I was probably the first person from this area , in the leather trade , to go to China and we started to do quite a large business with China , so that immediately I was on my own , the first big operation I took was to go to China and make very substantial purchases of pigskin leather .
10 The early evening rush hour slowed my return to Stuart Street but I was still the first home to No. 9 , and even Lisabeth seemed to be out or at least locked in her cage .
11 companies which were already the first or second company in their respective national market ;
12 Thus the main business of futures exchanges outside the US , which were not the first movers into the global markets , is in contracts for local bonds and share indexes .
13 Almost all candidates in last month 's general elections , which were also the first in more than 22 years , called for lifting of martial law and defence laws and demanded the freedom of the press , freedom of association , and the legalisation of political parties banned by law since 1957 .
14 There was ‘ a foreign substance which can be felt by touch under the skin of the neck ’ , which was presumably the first and fatal bullet fired by Abbas Mohamed .
15 ) . Their biggest hit was called ‘ But I Love Sergeyevitch ! ’ which was probably the first pop song to treat Mikhail Sergeyevitch Gorbachev in a friendly if rather frivolous manner .
16 But the purpose of the operation was completely transformed by Bush 's decision to double the number of troops , which was clearly the first step towards a war this year .
17 A Vietnamese airport official said they went through the usual passport and customs procedures and then boarded buses to Soc San reception centre which was also the first stop for almost 600 boat people who returned voluntarily from Hong Kong earlier this year .
18 In 1859 missionaries published Nigeria 's first paper , which was also the first African paper in an African language .
19 The Story of the Fraserburgh Lifeboats takes a similar look at the Fraserburgh lifeboat station , which had one of the first lifeboats to be built and which was also the first RNLI lifeboat station in Scotland .
20 The first is the 1868 St Petersburg Declaration , which was indeed the first major international agreement prohibiting the use of a particular weapon in warfare — namely the explosive bullet .
21 Last night there were a lot of people at the gig who were here the first time around and they can relate to what we 're doing .
22 It did seem that the main force squadrons in other Groups had more casualties than we did , partly because they had to cope with fully awakened defences , gun and searchlight crews as well as fighters , after PFF had done their job , and perhaps also because they had a higher proportion of new , inexperienced crews who were usually the first to come to grief .
23 " You must have known that you were n't the first .
24 you were right the first time .
25 ‘ No … you were right the first time : what happened between us was a dreadful mistake … unplanned .
26 No , you were right the first time boy !
27 Not only was she was the first woman ever to gain the imperial throne by her own machinations , she was also the first to institute the practice of official cunnilingus .
28 She was also the first Susanna in The Marriage of Figaro .
29 She was also the first woman painter to achieve this status .
30 And no doubt she was n't the first woman to realise that .
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