Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The justification is that while someone is receiving acute care they have the prospect of returning to an independent life in the community , with consequent retention of personal housing .
2 There is ‘ a conflict ’ with USL , says Unix Solutions Ltd , which is seeking legal advice on the matter .
3 Barrie Lamb stated that the job would have been completed earlier had DRPS not been diverted into rescuing additional rolling stock such as their current working steam loco , a Peckett 0-4-0 ST which is undergoing extensive winter repairs .
4 Given the comments of the right hon. Member for Bath ( Mr. Patten ) , when he was Secretary of State for the Environment , that national parks were the jewels in the crown , does the Minister not think it fair that that should apply to the entire United Kingdom , not least to my constituency which contains Loch Lomond which is facing ecological disaster as a result of the political intransigence of the blockheads in the Scottish Office in Edinburgh ?
5 Areas facing irreparable damage include the Dee estuary in Wales where port , road and recreational development and pollution threaten 105,000 birds ; the Wash , where 260,000 birds are threatened by industrial development , an airport and oil refining ; the Mersey , where a tidal barrage and airport development threaten about 60,000 birds ; and the Thames , including the Medway and Swale , which is facing immediate damage from development and pollution threatening 177,000 birds .
6 The Apple-Novell effort is said to have the blessing of Intel Corp , which is providing technical assistance and compatibility testing .
7 Or one other word which is to say that sponsorship is enabling because if you go into a partnership like A B S A it enables you to get the gov similar government funding .
8 Such pairs of things are like a causal circumstance and its effect in that they stand in fundamental nomic or necessary connection ( 1.3 ) , which is to say some connection stated by an independent nomic conditional statement .
9 ‘ But I 'm not convinced that Genesis are doing stuff which is breaking new ground so much now .
10 ‘ At least fifty per cent of which is documented historical fact , you claim that yourself at the beginning of the book . ’
11 The reason why there is so little progress is horribly tangled up in the overall failure of Italy 's public life , a failure which is arousing mounting concern among her EC partners .
12 The European rabbit is also important in the diet of the feral mink , which is given little credit for culling this acknowledged pest .
13 The other area which is given detailed attention in the Protocol is that of responsibility for costs and expenses ; the text comes close to adopting the principles used in the Hague Convention , but practice is rather different .
14 Lash and Urry argue that postmodern culture nevertheless particularly benefits the ‘ service class ’ of senior white collar workers : a group which is given special attention in Chapter 1 .
15 An RAF station which is to close this year has said farewell to its last jet fighter .
16 It will use a similar technique to that currently being used by a Japanese group , which is monitoring solar neutrino reactions with water .
17 This summer brought a welcome return to music with his soundtrack to Jarmusch 's Night on Earth , which is followed this month by Bone Machine , his first studio album for more than five years .
18 South East Sumatra : Production is currently at 180,000 bopd ( 6,500 net to LASMO ) , with the major contribution coming from the Widuri field which is producing 100,000 bopd .
19 It must enable farmers to continue to do the job that they are trained and best qualified to do , which is producing essential food for the nation , at a price that the taxpayer is prepared to pay .
20 A smell near the property boundary is likely to be a blocked interceptor trap which is allowing dirty water to get to the main sewer but is creating sludge in the bottom of the inspection chamber .
21 And anyway , it could also be argued that it is the accounting system which is allowing this manipulation ( perhaps even inducing it ) and therefore the accounting system should be modified to prevent it .
22 The first step for the governing body which is taking local management seriously is to work with the head and staff in identifying the school 's aims and objectives .
23 But it wo n't be an easy ride for Alcatel , because of China 's on-going decentralisation — according to the La Vanguardia newspaper , the responsibility for payments and agreements are being transferred from Peking , which always paid immediately , to local corporations and regional administrations , which is causing great confusion .
24 Excessive violence can conveniently be interpreted as paranoia , which makes drugging an acceptable way of handling the behaviour without having to examine anything in the prison system which is causing that behaviour .
25 Contracting is a particular form of relationship between the public and voluntary sectors , which is causing considerable concern amongst voluntary organisations .
26 ‘ But other markets in which we operate , apart from Asia-Pacific , which is experiencing double digit growth , remain depressed and this adds a measure of uncertainty to our forecasting process .
27 Independence Technologies Inc picked up a $1.95m from Cincinnati Bell Information Systems Corp which is building large customer information , billing and network configuration applications with its iTran OLTP development tools , iView system management software and USL 's Tuxedo transaction monitor .
28 He told the conference — which is considering future world political , economic , social , scientific and environmental trends — that with the relative decline in the economic importance of the United States and the diminishing military threat posed by the Soviet Union , the new civil super powers of the 1990s were likely to be Japan and Western Europe .
29 And it usually leads to the second thing which is to give some testimony .
30 Explaining the move , IBCA said that the banks ' underlying operating profits were on a sharply improving trend which is helping offset asset quality problems .
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