Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For another , his is one of the largest sheep farms in the area and one of the few where the ewes are lambed outdoors .
2 Wallenstein 's patronage of the arts extended to gardens , and his is one of the most important Baroque gardens in Prague .
3 But if the cat can see nothing and feel nothing and yet it still reacts to the loud noise you make , then yours is one of the fortunate , hearing white cats .
4 However , this issue can be looked at positively : perhaps someone may do something about their abuse as a result of Mr Rose 's coming forward — telling someone is one of the hardest things a victim can do .
5 Because the microscope gives an image which is fuzzy over a distance of the size of the wavelength of the light being used , if we want to measure the position more accurately we must decrease the wavelength .
6 For Swan , the jockey with the choir boy looks , has become the punter 's friend in Irish racing , the rider the small man loves to follow with a confidence which is rare in a sport known for its uncertainties .
7 We use a proprietary autumn fertiliser to encourage strong roots and stiffer growth , which is beneficial for the winter conditions ahead .
8 As such , the issue of fault is irrelevant , which is beneficial to a buyer especially since s4(1) ( e ) of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 restricts recovery in tort with its development risks or state of the art defence ( see Chapter 6 ) .
9 However , it is necessary to see the problem , not in terms of a battle between parents and Social Services Departments , but in terms of the welfare of the child , and therefore it is important to assess the new legislation as a means of safeguarding parental contact which is beneficial to the child .
10 The other leads to sustainable agriculture , which is beneficial to the environment , sensitive to consumer demand and produces safe and healthy food in a manner that is supportive of rural life and culture " .
11 a system is abolished only by pushing it into hyperlogic , by forcing it into an excessive practice which is equivalent to a brutal amortization …
12 I hope it will be agreed that those who think that the tax law is justified do so partly because they believe that there is in the circumstances imagined a reason voluntarily to contribute a sum which is equivalent to a just tax .
13 Since the 1950s , £16 billion has been spent on nuclear research and development , which is equivalent to a one and a quarter pence tax on each unit of nuclear electricity produced over the years .
14 He used to take this affair round various conferences and demonstrate to all and sundry that the crystal could be repeatedly bent to a strain of 2 per cent which is equivalent to a stress of about 600,000 p.s.i .
15 In a regression analysis with age as a covariate they report a coefficient of -0.02 cm ( 95% confidence interval -0.01 to -0.03 cm ) for the slope of the relation between log e albumin excretion rate and height , which is equivalent to a fall of 2% in geometric mean albumin excretion with every 1 cm increase in height .
16 The repossession problem was apparent a long time before the politicians decided it was an issue — the figure of 80,000 , which is equivalent to a town the size of Coventry , referred to homes that HAD already been repossessed .
17 Certainly , we might be justified in assuming that whatever kind of superego a person had it might have some controlling , drive-inhibiting aspects , and consequently that anarchy , which is equivalent to a more or less complete absence of controls , is an unlikely outcome .
18 According to the region , removing the existing districts would save about £4.4 million a year , which is equivalent to a cut of £62 in the council tax .
19 Water volume can be a problem as about 10–15 litres a minute are produced which is equivalent to the flow of a running tap .
20 Each breed has an index figure , which is equivalent to the number of dogs required to be actually exhibited ( not just entered ) , to gain a five point green star .
21 The chick embryo proper comes from a very small region resting on the yolk and which is equivalent to the mammalian egg .
22 In Burkina Faso , for example , observations between 1955 and 1974 have shown that degraded land and active sand have increased from 181 to 390 ha and from 56 to 150 ha respectively in the Menegon-Bidi area , which represents only a small proportion of the total 3000 ha of lost arable land in the Burkina Sahel and which is equivalent to the loss of 800 t of millet or 4500 t of straw ( Mainguet 1986 ) .
23 In this paper they took as seed metric the Kasner solution ( 10.26 ) which is equivalent to the Stoyanov solution ( 10.29 ) .
24 The geostationary communications satellites placed high above the Pacific to link the banking and trading centres of South-East Asia , Japan and Australasia with those of North America preside over a ‘ window ’ of the planetary territory of geometrically fixed size — rather as if a cone , a dunce 's cap , the height of which is equivalent to the altitude necessary for a satellite 's geostationary orbit , had been set down over the ocean .
25 In fact , we re only solving the regression formula unc which is equivalent to the iteration with M ; this is in effect Bernoulli 's method of solution of unc (
26 which is equivalent to the result derived by Dusak ( 1973 ) when the time period ends at time T ( delivery ) .
27 The standard size for soil stacks is 110mm which is equivalent to the old 4in cast iron waste .
28 After exclusion of patients with known causes of their ulcer disease , H pylori infection has been detected with a much higher frequency of 96% in subgroups with idiopathic gastric ulcers , which is equivalent to the H pylori prevalence in duodenal ulcer disease .
29 Under these conditions we detect a single band ( 3.6 kb Kpn I fragment ) which is equivalent to the two dysfunctional endogenous host Ea genes , or a band at 4.2 kb in BALB/c mice .
30 Considering the potentials at B and D to have components in phase and in quadrature with the supply , the double balance condition ( 7.8 ) is seen to correspond to these in-phase and quadrature components being separately equal which is equivalent to the amplitudes and phases of the potentials at B and D being the same .
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