Example sentences of "[pron] [vb infin] at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She saw them glance at each other and exchange a conspiratorial arching of the eyebrows , compounded in Miller 's case by the faintest of nods .
2 ‘ May I look at that pipe ? ’
3 So how did I arrive at this mix ?
4 Can I , can I interrupt at that stage
5 Could I say at this stage , i is anybody having difficulty hearing at the back ?
6 ‘ What do you want at this hour ? ’ demanded an irritable middle-aged officer , evidently just roused from his bed , greatcoat thrown hastily over his night attire .
7 What the devil do you want at this hour of night ? ’
8 ‘ What do you want at this time of night ?
9 What made you jump at that moment ?
10 How would you feel at this time ?
11 Do you feel at this point in time that it 's all been worth it ?
12 What other things did you do at this school ?
13 So what did you do at this farm today then ?
14 She said er well they came to us in the interval and Con was just like , I thought she 'll call me when Sally has gone , Sally had their address , she 'd just you know , she was gon na be in there and Con said , look , did you look at that dress she said , whoever makes them !
15 And I 'll let you look at that thing with
16 ‘ Dear God , will you look at that Drill Sergeant with his pacing stick .
17 ‘ But will you look at that boat 's crew ?
18 Any ideas what what could you look at that sort of question and you think this is impossible .
19 The polished manner , the suave small-talk — ‘ Would you look at this picture , Louise …
20 ‘ Would you look at this place ?
21 How long did you work at that place for , then ?
22 You will , in fact , be so much in control of the situation that , should you decide at any moment that you do not wish to continue , all you have to do is open your eyes and you will be your present-day self again , exactly as you were when you first entered the consulting room .
23 ‘ When and why did you arrive at that conclusion ? ’ she queried quietly .
24 So how and when can you get at this money ?
25 What will you learn at this briefing ?
26 About how many people were employed there would you say at this time ?
27 Did you did you fight at that time then ?
28 across a lot of papers but in this paper it starts er and as Mr just said it starts as far as incr increments , erm do we know at this time or can we be informed as soon as were informed , where of what , whether implement are erm , like , are restricted by the , the Chancellor 's statement , do we know or , are have we got ta wait ?
29 erm Now , perhaps we come back to what can we do at this end , and I think Friends of the Earth has done an excellent job in bringing it to peoples ' attention that large areas of tropical forest are being destroyed at roughly the rate of 0.7 or 0.8 percent of the forest each year , erm and they , you know I 'm in agreement with them on the fact that forest is disappearing , it 's dangerous in many places , it 's catastrophic in some , for instance , particularly in West Africa , the clearing that 's gone on in the Ivory Coast is pretty disastrous , and erm there are indications that the West African strip of forest along the strip of the West African Coast by removing that you 're going to make not only that area slightly drier , but mainly the northern areas of those countries , and the drier , so it may well affect climate .
30 ‘ Then why do n't we look at this scenario ? ’ said Branson .
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