Example sentences of "[pron] [vb infin] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It will target specifically chosen people in an effort to help them make links with the changing climate .
2 Not only did I have loops at the edge , but seven or eight stitches actually leapt off the needles .
3 Well could I have comments on the principle or principles of er by using criteria and then I 'd like to go through the individual criteria or individual criterion one by one .
4 Can I express thanks to the president for taking this meeting it 's been very interesting .
5 I tend to be rather disorganised when packing gear , so anything that helps me keep things in the right place has got to be a bonus .
6 Perverse conditioned psychological needs require some of our best thinking to solve — but then we should n't have let them become habits in the first place .
7 Can I just check out , how do you think roles within the teams .
8 May I ask E. Hebditch and any fox tormentor , would you swop places with the animal you 're happy to hound ?
9 Can you hang saucepans on the wall near the cooker , or do you need cupboards or drawers for them ?
10 The Floyd Rose does all the usual things , like letting you tie knots in the low E string , and the arm is firm with no clunky play .
11 If you live in a listed building ( one that is protected by the local authority from demolition or structural alteration because of its historical interest ) you may be able to arrange grants to help you do repairs to the essential fabric of the building .
12 Mr Monte , or can I call you Del , why do you grow pineapples in the Philippines ?
13 Readability Plus lets you identify parts of the text to ignore , such as tables of data , and also you can tell the program of specific word processing formats that could confuse the analysis .
14 Do you remember things like the wild white clover .
15 Do you remember whereabouts in the order you were in getting into the flat ?
16 How do you see things in the future then ?
17 And did you see vessels in the area , because you yourself would be too young were you not ?
18 Hewlett-Packard Co 's Canadian Panacom Division thinks it 's got some hot new X-terminal software for Sun , IBM and SCO Open Desktop platforms that will let you run applications from the local client rather than the host .
19 S so I mean do you try and u do you use things around the area ?
20 The , the easy way , do you like fractions on the bottom of fractions ?
21 No sooner did she set eyes on the gentleman than she recognised his pecuniary position to be merely temporary .
22 nor can you poke holes in the handling or ride .
23 Can you suggest alternatives to the hair to use in conjunction with quite hard boilies ?
24 Did n't you hear tales of the first settlers from your father ?
25 ‘ Why did you have guns in the house , Mrs Ward ? ’
26 There was quite a few dances , in er , do you mean dances in the Town Hall ?
27 Do you put sounds on the tape ?
28 Q.Why ca n't you play cards in the jungle ?
29 Can you get copies of the A C terms of engagement for each of the function heads and myself ?
30 Did , did you get breaks during the day ?
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