Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] me [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mum had found them for me in the house at Lochgair .
2 Very well , convey my congratulations to General Froebe — I 'm sure he 'll be anxious to convey his to me for the sake of protocol . ’
3 He was paving the way to amusing himself with me in the future when Mme Chaillot was out of town .
4 Then , ‘ I can not take you with me without the sorcerers ’ help , ’ he said .
5 The upshot of this little matter was to leave me labelled as ‘ Mr X ’ — a pseudonym invented by Harold Wilson and which has attached itself to me throughout the years , but never offensively .
6 Thank for clearing everything for me with the NYPD .
7 Gradually Elizabeth and I got to know each other ; Elizabeth already knew something of me from The Last Enchantments .
8 The one with me on the front
9 And I had a couple of months making it and god , it was such a wonderful time I had and writing the lyrics and saying things about love and feelings that have meant something to me over the years .
10 Tom Fearon keeps him for me at the livery stables .
11 He and I had had a heart to heart in the hotel following some comments supposedly made by him about me in the press , more particularly in the Sun .
12 'she begged me to take her with me in the end .
13 The lack of even a hint of that attitude in Runcorn , combined with his remarkable equability , endeared him to me from the start .
14 ‘ You can cut it for me after the party , ’ he told her , which everybody took to be a big joke .
15 But I 've just reached the door when his escorts do it for me in the corridor .
16 But the band stuck by me , worked out a routine with me , and busked through it with me for the rest of the run .
17 So I took it with me on the Hiroshima mission .
18 Molloy learned it from me at the Imperial Hotel , Blackpool , during one of the duller party conferences .
19 I would be grateful of you would sign the attached copy of this letter and return it to me with the payment and contract as an indication that you agree to these restrictions .
20 The record company had been lending it to me for the last six months , but they gave it to me at the London gig as a present because Andy MacDonald — the feller who owns the company — was so into the gig !
21 The record company had been lending it to me for the last six months , but they gave it to me at the London gig as a present because Andy MacDonald — the feller who owns the company — was so into the gig !
22 They give it to me at the end of the lesson .
23 Not anything like it would have been if Uncle Bill had left it to me in the first place , because it will pay duty twice . ’
24 Why did n't you show it to me in the first place ?
25 She 'd been very positive about that , not just here in the car , but she had said it to me in the bedroom while I was packing her things and she was still in a mentally uninhibited state .
26 Well do n't you dare do it to me in the panto , I will of die of embarrassment !
27 You were kind enough to introduce yourself to me at the launch of the Welsh Environmental Managers ' Network at the Garden Festival the other day .
28 Nor do I feel like setting myself up as an Aunt Sally just waiting for all those girls to throw themselves at me in the attempt to knock me off my perch ! ’
29 I 'm afraid it did n't mean anything to me at the time .
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