Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] which we [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 That is something of which we ought to be extremely wary .
2 And it is something of which we can not give or receive too much .
3 That is not something of which we can be certain .
4 The disposal of industrial and often hazardous waste is another problem , but one with which we should be equally concerned and one which we can ultimately influence .
5 Something with which we could go to the customer and say , ‘ This is the sort of thing it is now possible to do .
6 It seems unlikely that the normal form is one into which we would choose to transform programs for execution , but our work gives hope that transformation into other , more useful forms might be tractable .
7 Only then will the public begin to realise that mental handicap is not a taboo subject , but something in which we can all be involved .
8 And I believe it is something in which we should all be involved .
9 In any case , social prognosis is a notoriously unsafe activity , and it is one from which we might wisely refrain .
10 This crossing constitutes a complex , difficult history , one from which we can learn .
11 But the idea that social behaviour is oriented by and to the behaviour of others is one from which we can start .
12 This early atmosphere was not one in which we could have survived .
13 But the process was one in which Britain has played a leading role , and the result is one in which we can clearly see the imprint of our views .
14 This new world will also be one in which we can not expect any new carrier to be able to enter the airline market to any competitive extent owing to lack of the large resources required .
15 This issue is , however , symptomatic of a deeper problem of explanation ; one to which we can now turn .
16 Here lies a central dispute throughout the social sciences , and it is one to which we will often revert .
17 Clearly , this is important and the relationship between the state , civil society and different sections of the working class is one to which we will need to return .
18 Salvation in found in no one else for is there there is no other name under heaven given to me by which we must be seen .
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