Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Imagine the losses that must have occurred in them during the years of Harrogate 's greatest popularity .
2 Gombert 's linear sense — and sometimes Crecquillon 's and Lupi 's was so strong that he cared nothing for the asperities of harsh suspensions or accented passing-notes , as in this passage from his motet , ‘ Ave sanctissima Maria ’ :
3 She cared less than nothing for the privileges of the housewife ; the old woman could have kept the keys for ever , and Julian would have been indifferent .
4 The woodmen never broke up those temporary dwellings which they built to see them through the weekdays of the felling season .
5 To show enthusiasm for a glance with them through the pages of old photograph albums , can often give immense pleasure ; and half an hour spent like this can mean more to them than a whole evening of television , for they are warmed by memories of happier days .
6 The dogs were mostly strays who had befriended American troops and accompanied them through the horrors of war .
7 A body builder who tackled two armed raiders single-handed , after chasing them through the streets in his car has been hailed as a hero .
8 Hanging back so they were just at the limit of vision , she followed them through the tunnels of the complex , occasionally passing other personnel or soldiers , who ignored her to concentrate on their search for the fugitive .
9 I scrambled out of the trench and accompanied them through the trees to the farm .
10 The author undermines ‘ adult ’ notions of what is normal and natural and obvious by showing them through the eyes of a young boy who is trying to puzzle it all out .
11 Writing of the work of Chardin , whose most profoundly moving paintings are revelations of how trivial , homely , everyday scenes and objects are transformed for us when we see them through the eyes of a great painter , Proust says , " Chardin has taught us that a pear is as living as a woman , a kitchen crock as beautiful as an emerald . "
12 His teaching after the resurrection , when " beginning with Moses and all the prophets , he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself " , was the climax of what he had been teaching them through the years of his ministry .
13 It seemed that all the intelligence had gone to Constance , leaving her brothers with only wariness and guile to see them through the vicissitudes of life , although , Scarlet had to admit , they could be surprisingly kind .
14 Frequently , all that they will have to guide them through the recommendations of officials will be their own political common sense ; this may well be adequate for a strong minister , but others may find it hard to change the bureaucracy 's course .
15 As the leaves grow , train them through the bars for a lovely effect .
16 Dulé was to slip into the sea , then , binding the container of burning pitch to his head with a deep cushioning of reeds in between to prevent him getting burned , he would swim to the ship , gouge a hole in the hull with his knife and , taking dry tinder from a companion swimming alongside him , light spills from the fire and pass them through the walls of the ship , then slip back under the cover of the mangroves and lie in wait for the panic .
17 Yet God still speaks by his Spirit to throw fresh light on his word so that we might see its relevance to the contemporary world , and he speaks to his servants to guide them through the perplexities of life .
18 She took two pills from a bottle by the bed on which she had thrown herself and crushed them between the pages of Mansfield Park .
19 ‘ I 'll press them and keep them between the pages of a book , to remind me of you . ’
20 Clovis 's campaigns and ruses against other Frankish rulers should perhaps be seen as power struggles within a small kin-group , and therefore as precursors of the civil wars that were to follow , but we know nothing about the connections between the petty kings of the years prior to 511 .
21 Unfortunately we know nothing about the predecessors of Spartokos , nor can archaeology help much , and we can not say whether dynastic troubles in the 450s might have caused shortages on the Athenian grain market ; the seizure of power by the Spartokids is too late to be relevant .
22 PRINCESS Diana knows nothing about the lives of ordinary , everyday people and of inner city deprivation and squalor .
23 I knew nothing about the realities of proper soldiering , and to counterbalance the tedium and boredom of my small-time life , I surrounded the idea of the French Foreign Legion with a cocoon of glamour that it did n't possess .
24 There is nothing in Polybius about the Bacchanalia scandal , nothing about the measures against the Latins , for instance in 187 B.C. ( Liv .
25 If he had been told nothing about the terms of his release , then probably it was Artai 's doing .
26 They tell readers nothing about the arguments in favour of the extension of VAT .
27 It was a party of sixth-formers with an instructor teaching them about the effects of weathering , the differing levels of hardness of limestone and how the two combine to produce waterfalls .
28 Firstly , due to the low usage figures found by the programme monitors in Phase 1 villages ( described in Chapter 5 ) , the Oral Replacement Workers had placed greater emphasis during Phase 2 on telling the village people about LGS at the expense of telling them about the dangers of adding too much salt to the solution .
29 I 'll be going to Governments and health authorities to tell them about the benefits for a whole society .
30 Ask them about the benefits of a Northern Ireland location and they will highlight the quality of the people that work for them .
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