Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [adj] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His car was still outside ; it was the open-top Volkswagen Beetle he 'd bought himself on that first day straight from the showroom window .
2 She felt humiliated — and because she 'd been so attracted to you during that first meeting , it was hard for her to realise the attraction must have been all on her side .
3 For Christmas Day there 's nothing better than a sparkler which will carry you through any first course .
4 The first inch yields a higher marginal benefit to your neighbour than the amount that you require in compensation to offset the marginal cost to you of that first inch .
5 I 've loved you from that first day . "
6 ‘ Oh , yes , I 've wanted you from that first meeting in France . ’
7 Or meant to have replied , but perhaps she had not , perhaps the knowledge of later years had imposed itself on that first memory .
8 I learned everything from this first spectacle : I saw how the white ( French ) , superior , plutocratic , civilized world founded its power on the repression of populations who had suddenly become ‘ invisible ’ , like proletarians , immigrant workers , minorities who are not the right ‘ colour ’ .
9 And yet tonight , in the quiet of this room , I find that what really remains with me from this first day 's travel is not Salisbury Cathedral , nor any of the other charming sights of this city , but rather that marvellous view encountered this morning of the rolling English countryside .
10 Flares are n't news in Dublin they 're still wearing them from that first time round .
11 All the problems that had beset them from that first moment their eyes had met in the courtyard on the day of her arrival had vanished , it seemed , giving way to the greater power of one fact — now they were lovers .
12 Her parents were still concerned about her and she had asked them to accompany her for this first appointment .
13 Also , a hotel room would remind her of that first night they had spent together ; what happened then had been repeated by now many times .
14 His own inclination would have led him towards this first interview three or four days earlier .
15 The leaders of Britain 's main christian churches were there to greet her in this first city church devoted to united worship .
16 This was a Monday night and the early show of a week 's run in a tour which would take her round the Eastern States , and hopefully into New York for the spring of 1913 , that is if audiences took to her in this first week .
17 Whatever had happened to him on that first night in St Matthew 's vestry had led him , the next day , to change the whole direction of his life .
18 She shook her head in exasperation , remembering his deception and total lack of sympathy , the way he had treated her on that first night , that following morning .
19 Had wanted her since that first day .
20 Even knowing she looked ridiculous , she 'd enjoyed it after that first entrance , had loved being on a stage again , singing with the company .
21 ‘ And I knew it from that first day when you came driving down to the chais like a crazy woman .
22 " Get 'em over that first month and you 're half way there . "
23 Below us on this first section is the recently opened yacht marina , a very pleasant area to stroll round if you are at all interested in boats .
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