Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thank you everyone for taking the trouble to write .
2 The other day , some man attacked me for using the phrase ‘ biological clock ’ .
3 It took me a long time to admit that , but I gradually realized that many people were grateful to me for sharing the thought with them .
4 She apologized for skulking out of the way so shamelessly , she thanked me for saving the life of their beloved dog who was now prancing around with the children as though nothing had happened , and she finished with the regret that she had n't even asked me my name .
5 If Mephistco really is determined to punish me for defying the Review Board , they have far more efficient methods at their disposal than sending some freelance vagabond who still has boneyard dust behind her ears to do their dirty work .
6 Later the European Athletic Association wrote a letter to the British team management reprimanding me for wearing the flag on the rostrum and covering my tracksuit .
7 You do n't 'old it against me for pinchin' the wallet , do you ? ’
8 ‘ I expect it is , but it 's the truth , and you 're the last person to condemn me for telling the truth , even though it may offend you to hear it . ’
9 He scolds me for leaving the flat .
10 And another thing you have n't paid me for shoeing the horse the last time . ’
11 ‘ You 'll forgive me for making the point , ’ said Calatin , ‘ but you do get the odd rebel , even these days .
12 ‘ It 's awfully wild , ’ she said , ‘ but you are going the right way ’ — she was proceeding east and going into the storm at the time — and she thanked me for opening the gate .
13 The Arab said , ‘ They blame me for guarding the food .
14 ‘ Didn't.say nothing about wanting the rest of him , though .
15 In fact we turned up some gas shares on the way , but er and a bit of cash , but that was n't enough to pay the funeral accounts and she made no provision for paying any of the bills so I sold the gas shares towards paying the funeral account and then got shouted at by the er beneficiary children because I had n't consulted them about selling the gas shares and I said Well , they have to be sold because there 's bills to pay and there is no way of dealing with that .
16 We have also had support from our colleagues in Brussels ( see article on page 21 of this issue ) and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for taking the lead and to appeal to Johnson Matthey sites around the world to take up the challenge .
17 The first of them is the group thank you to all of them for assisting the panel sometimes working on the computing .
18 The tabloids turned on them for selling the idea of drugs to schoolchildren and having too much sex .
19 ‘ There 's a chap — he 's been coming round for years going on and on at me about buying the table .
20 We met when she came with the chairman of one of the big contractors to lobby me about increasing the road-building programme , when I was a spokesman for Transport .
21 My solicitor will advise me about running the business , how to trade and how best to run the finances . ’
22 I already recognised some members of the Union Jack Club , and Colonel Fawcett gave me a hearty handshake while his thin , ill-looking wife reminded me about joining the bridge games .
23 The study is particularly concerned with the extent to which social science research students acquire skills in quantitative methods and are able to use them after making the transition to employment in social science research .
24 The Export Reviewing Committee subsequently reported that the dealers had circumvented them after withdrawing the export licence and dismembering the book , sending the individual sheets ( each valued at an sum below the licence threshold ) to New York .
25 anger at ourselves for taking the job
26 Why could n't I of kept the exam
27 I had doubts about that cover when I saw it because someone on seeing the flag would think it 's a political novel , whereas it 's not .
28 The first step to developing a Christian philosophy of finance would be to commit ourselves to developing the character of Christ in our own lives and helping others do the same .
29 Any minute now , Andrew would start talking in disparaging tones about the habits of ‘ young people ’ , a favourite topic of his since reaching the age of forty .
30 What we have done to ourselves is to destroy the adventure of life by rooting ourselves to one spot in the physical sense , and demoralising ourselves by forcing the mind to spend its time on nuts and bolts and the rest of our shoddy interests , when it is thirsting for the trackless regions of the nomads .
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