Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] between the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A copy of the application may be inspected in my Department between the hours of 9.00 am and 5.00 pm from Monday to Thursday and from 9.00 am and 4.00 pm on Friday , or may be available on request from the Clerk to the Parish Council or Parish Meeting .
2 For the first time I saw clearly that it would be impossible to go through the rest of my life with a barrier in my mind between the baby and its conception .
3 Congress , I joined the Labour Party and I became a Socialist , I remain a member of the Labour Party , I remain a Socialist , I 'm a trade unionist , I wo n't give up my Labour Party membership and I wo n't give up my involvement to my trade union and my linkage between the trade union movement and the Labour Party without a fight .
4 My distinction between the effects of second-person and third-person pronouns can be made clearer , perhaps , with some diagrams .
5 I crept up the stairs and stuck my head between the banisters , but the landing was empty .
6 The natural justification of my choice between the fruit would be something like ‘ The peach looked delicious ’ , which conveys the full information that I expected to be responding in accord with ‘ Be aware ’ until the last trace of the flavour faded from my mouth .
7 I look forward to the lessons and always feel better immediately , but the difficulty with me lies in trying to maintain my awareness between the lessons , but this is gradually becoming easier .
8 The object of this true account is not war , but to give a lightning résumé of my family between the wars .
9 But there 's a big difference in my view between the sort of regular abuse and assaults on staff in a Casualty Department and somebody walking into what should have been a locked ward on a children 's unit in a hospital at two o'clock in the morning .
10 Among adult insects , an appendage is normally attached to its segment between the pleuron of its side and the sternum .
11 Its two-fingered feet splay in their skin between the pressures
12 First , it is monistic and brings together environment , man and the plant and animal world within a single framework in which interaction between the components could be analysed .
13 She ran at him now , driving one foot up , kicking him with all her force between the legs .
14 The sunlight struck her reflection between the eyes .
15 how viewers divide their attention between the demands of family life and the television ,
16 That question was already implicit in his title , with its distinction between the adjectives historisch ( corresponding to the noun Historie ) and geschichtlich ( from Geschichte ) .
17 Survival International , which works for the rights of threatened tribal peoples , doubled its membership between the end of 1989 and the middle of 1990 .
18 Instead , he grabbed her head between the palms of his hands , and forced his prong back into her mouth .
19 The CCP itself was experiencing a traumatic period in its development between the break in cooperation with the Kuomintang in 1927 to the retreat from Kiangsi in 1934–35 in the ‘ Long March ’ when Mao Tse-tung assumed the leadership of the CCP .
20 Dodson & Wexlar ( 1979 ) provided better documentation in their comparison between the bones from different owl pellet assemblages .
21 He touched the baby 's cheek with his forefinger , and Isobel could see even from her chair between the cameras that the baby 's lip curled at once toward it .
22 By announcing America 's ‘ preparedness ’ to intervene in the European conflict , while maintaining her neutrality between the combatants , Wilson had emerged as the main hope for peace in Europe .
23 ‘ Or the Lady Emma would never have risked making Siward her buffer between the rest of England and Scotia .
24 We are able to trace the patterns of practical aid and its mutuality between the generations , and in an especially full way , of house-sharing .
25 Beatrix Potter 's journal for the years 1881 – 1897 spans her life between the ages of fifteen and thirty .
26 She slides her hand between the cheeks of my bum , then soaps my thighs and down my legs .
27 But consideration of the process by which family size was negotiated between husband and wife is crucial , especially when evidence suggests that the couples who were most successful in controlling their fertility between the wars were those who discussed the issue and reached agreement .
28 He might even have lost her filecube between the islands of venerable desks .
29 They turned at last from this one point of certainty in their world and walked along the fringe of the forest , picking their way between the trees but keeping the Waste in view .
30 Above us there is a full moon and the light that is forcing its way between the clouds is quite sufficient to provide a picture .
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