Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [to-vb] up the " in BNC.

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1 PAMELA : As it is your will and you have determined , it is my duty to yield up the point .
2 With its horn blaring and its lights flashing , the bus had left its route to take up the chase .
3 The drawback , inevitably , is that everything is dependent upon the existence of a CAB in the area , its willingness to set up the scheme , and the co-operation of the local profession .
4 Indeed , one of the main sources of growth of the small SLF union following its foundation in 1981 was its willingness to take up the individual grievances of the workforce , very much in the tradition of the vertical union of the Franco era .
5 Ruth moaned as she staggered out of her bedroom to pick up the phone .
6 She was wiping a crust of bread round the inside of her dish to catch up the last drops of broth .
7 At first , the Assembly could not even decide upon its own agenda : it was only after the first session in 1949 that the Committee of Ministers agreed not to exercise its right to draw up the Assembly 's agenda .
8 One of the problems with the dominant Fabianism of UK social policy is its failure to take up the epistemological implications of this commitment to change .
9 But only a week ago she clashed with Mr Smith after he snubbed her request to wind up the Commons debate on the pit closures .
10 Jordan temporarily closes its border to hold up the influx of refugees .
11 In a move that runs counter its commitment to clean up the environment in former East Germany , the German government has agreed to exempt a huge rubbish tip near Schonberg near the Baltic coast from its regulations for a five year period .
12 The age at which parents want their baby to give up the breast or bottle varies markedly .
13 ‘ I think ’ , he says , ‘ that the Germans had convinced themselves that there was something noble in their quest to clean up the world .
14 Léonie swished her fork around her plate to gather up the last vestiges of sauce mornay .
15 Still to come : the Royal Pioneers from Bicester are on their way to back up the Desert Rats in the Gulf .
16 Whilst we were very pleased with its towing capabilities and cruising speed were were extremely disappointed with its ability to pull up the slightest incline .
17 She moved her torso without breaking the union , and stretched her arm to pick up the phone .
18 Thus , when Remedios the Beauty disappears , the narrative records the fact that outsiders were of the opinion that she had run off with a man and that the story of her ascent into heaven was an invention of her family to cover up the scandal .
19 She had half expected him to contact her after she had turned away the team of cleaners he 'd sent to her house to clear up the mess , but she had heard nothing .
20 For his part Ivashko promised following his election to give up the Ukrainian CP leadership , and at a party congress on June 22-23 he was replaced as first secretary by his former deputy , Stanislav Gurenko .
21 He made a similar reply to another member who insisted that radio should give better publicity to what MPs said in the House : it was not , he said , the job of his Ministry to build up the reputation of individual MPs .
22 He became so desperate at one stage that it crossed his mind to give up the game altogether .
23 Wells lost his tolerance of contradiction in his anxiety to tidy up the world .
24 But Mr Kohl 's lack of forthrightness in acting against racist attacks and his reluctance to take up the cause of their victims suggests a chancellor , if not a country , who has yet to come fully to terms with the past .
25 Jessica , after a time , had said she loved him too , and grew quite fascinated by his refusal to bring up the subject of fidelity .
26 In 1850 he resigned his curatorship to take up the post of mineral surveyor for New South Wales , an appointment that provoked the hostility of W. B. Clarke [ q.v . ] .
27 Amidst calls to bring back the birch and to inaugurate ‘ Saturday night floggings ’ for soccer hooligans , Mr William Whitelaw reaffirmed his pledge to toughen up the law by introducing a new regime of short-sharp-shock Detention Centres modelled on the Army ‘ glass house ’ system of physical drill and unrelenting discipline .
28 ‘ Nibs McGovern met that train every day with his trolley to pick up the papers and the Boland loaves that the shops got for special customers .
29 Brian Fletcher on Red Rum thought he was , and urged his mount to keep up the pursuit .
30 On his way to mop up the bathroom he stood before a mirror admiring his Egyptian slimness of hip .
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