Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [prep] [art] few " in BNC.

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1 He told Arts Scene : ‘ I do my waffle with a few little inserts from tapes . ’
2 Ill just go out of the house without a word , and stay at my club for a few days .
3 I have almost no social life , free only when my disabled mother can manage my child for a few hours .
4 I suppose it came into my room for a few minutes to see a book I 'd been telling him about , then he left and I hit the sack .
5 ‘ Just keep Toby off my back for a few more days .
6 ‘ Stay in my flat for a few days and enjoy what you can of the Carnival .
7 We set off at a rattling rate , presumably to put some distance between us and the dozens of others still ponderously selecting items of clothing from their car boots , and I commenced my belligerence with a few barbed remarks about the pace-setting .
8 I do n't remember what the occasion was — maybe it was my first day at school , or maybe I was staying with my aunt for a few days … ’
9 I have to drop the work on the catalogue and get into my studio for a few hours each day to carry further a painting which began as a request : it is called ‘ War Games ’ .
10 She lies on top of me , breathing hard , head on my shoulder for a few minutes , then she stirs , pulls herself up so that I flop out of her and her hard little nipples stroke my chest .
11 She 'd called him Sage , and she only stayed at my house for a few minutes as she had to get right back to see her new baby — the owl , of course .
12 to run for cover so I held my hand over my face for a few moments before speaking .
13 ‘ Yes , I remember , ’ said my mother after a few minutes .
14 After a while , sitting in the car , we saw her stand for a few minutes first on one of the Howes , then on another , still and with arms raised .
15 Naylor did not keep her waiting , but rang her doorbell with a few minutes to go before eleven .
16 The IMF is a quasi-academic and apolitical organisation and its advice is based on its assessment of a few key economic ratios .
17 There is no such thing , mind you , as private property for nine tenths of the population : its existence for the few is solely due to its non-existence for those nine tenths .
18 They were tipped as a recovery stock after investors had lost much of their money in a few months .
19 Pleasingly , however , though to energise her heart into a few racing beats , Moira Russell came out almost immediately and , holding the door she had just come through open , smiled and said , ‘ Mr Massingham will see you now . ’
20 The idea had been in the back of her mind for a few days now and this evening had decided it for sure .
21 So it can only be human failure I E that she was driving and just sort of lost her concentration for a few seconds and that was fatal
22 In 1984 there was considerable publicity concerning a woman who gouged out her eye and another who slashed her breast in order to get out of her cell for a few minutes .
23 ‘ Never , in my life , ’ he murmured distractedly , leaving her mouth for a few seconds to hungrily kiss her cheekbone , her temple , to lightly nip the lobe of her ear , ‘ have I met a woman so obstinate , so pigheaded … ’
24 After they 've scalded my ears with their abuse for a few weeks , and paraded my wreckage before the assembled ranks as an edifying example of what not to do and how not to do it , they will probably just turn me into a stone gargoyle on the roof of some Gothic cathedral .
25 Apart from the start state , which must be presented in full , any state can be described as its parent plus a few more details .
26 Bone accumulations such as these are usually self-evident , and while they indicate which animals were present in an area , their limitation to a few species restricts their usefulness for ecological interpretation .
27 If the bedroom you occupy is large enough to be turned into a comfortable bed-sitting-room , or if you have your own private sitting-room in the house , you can avoid trouble and confrontation by entertaining friends there , and that will be the end of it ; but if not , after a tactful explanation of your needs to your parent , you should get to the point of suggesting clearly that she might agree to retire to her room for a few hours sometimes when your friends come to the home ( after you have all shared a meal together first , if she wishes ) .
28 She just wanted to hear her hero 's lovely voice , see those flashing eyes and bolster up her imagination with a few of his telling phrases about ‘ El Amor ’ .
29 She lost her job after a few weeks and what little money my Dad had left quickly went on drugs and booze .
30 Ratners does most of its business in the few short weeks before Christmas .
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