Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Well , it crossed my mind that actually a few of the headings here are actually duplicated by the Video Work in Progress meeting , so whether we want to cover them again in this meeting I do n't know , because we had a meeting yesterday which covered some of these things and their minutes are then available .
2 ‘ I went back to my room and soon a girl came with flat blonde hair , sickly-looking .
3 Two days after seeing my surgeon and exactly a week before going into hospital , aided by my wife , I crawled up to London and met the hero of the book .
4 It is wonderful to see their enthusiasm and already a heart for others to come to know the Lord Jesus .
5 Since the notional content of adjectives , on the other hand , does not define the nature of their support but only a quality thereof they can be said to have external incidence .
6 The film 's musical score and song and dance numbers are surprisingly its weakest ingredient , though the shooting and editing of Earth Girls Are Easy is often highly original-especially the black and white dream sequence that 's a model of its kind and almost a music video in itself .
7 The stars will be coming out during the day to celebrate Sainsbury 's Fundays — this is your chance not only to meet a celebrity , but to get their autograph and even a photograph !
8 The proposed cuts had led to talk of its closure but today a reprieve was announced .
9 It was slowly becoming less necessary to present artists and their management as either a ) choirboys or b ) fairy godmothers .
10 The slow deliberacy with which the wife commences her reply , with not a hint of offence in her reaction but rather a hint of care in selecting the right mode of reply , emphasizes her willingness to converse on the topic : So does her subsequent appropriation of a rhetorical device , the occupatio , a statement emphasized by the speaker feigning unwillingness or lack of freedom to express it : The monk too takes a moment 's pause before replying : again seeming to digest the implications of the wife 's words , or ( and ? ) to express , silently but with an eloquent action , astonishment at the wife 's ready invitation to him to continue to converse on this topic .
11 She exuded power : the power to change a boy 's destiny with a stern shake of her head and only a few official-sounding words .
12 Gill and Jackson ( 1983 ) found that five of the thirty-five children were to some degree proud of their colour but only a small minority of the children had positive feelings about their colour .
13 She was making her way happily toward the roped-in square from which the fancy-dress competitors were to start their parade when suddenly a big black alsatian dog bounded up to her .
14 The jewel in the Cobra 's head has its counterpart in Australian Aboriginal folklore in the form of the quartz crystal which enshrines the colours and essence of the rainbow , and the Rainbow Serpent of Australian mythology is closely related to the Indian Spectacled Cobra in terms of its role as both a fertility symbol and a symbol of higher consciousness .
15 Because the assessment is internal , there is flexibility in its timing and hence a student can work towards a module at his or her own pace .
16 This one-way traffic gives them their uniqueness but also a certain poignant quality : the I is always striving towards the Thou or You , but the second person never replies .
17 The fog seemed to part without warning , revealing the great headland of Rhuaival over three hundred metres above us , mist trailing like smoke from its peak and even a stray beam of sunshine lighting up the craggy outlines of the cliffs .
18 At the end of the novel , when the narrator understands that he has to recover unconscious memories to become their chronicler and therefore a true artist , a re-integration of the personality similar to that achieved by Wordsworth 's poet-hero is made possible .
19 Although some wags were touting COSE as Advanced Computing Environment II last week , the six principal actors describe their effort as neither a consortium , an initiative , a development company or a replacement for anything — and they will not set prices for anything .
20 Although some wags were touting COSE as ACE II last week — see front page — the six principle actors describe their effort as neither a consortium , an initiative , a development company or a replacement for anything .
21 ‘ What you 're saying is , ’ she said , ‘ that one should n't even whisper it in the wind on the hill-tops because once said a thing can never be unsaid ; that expression gives power to thought ; that even the clear though unspoken formulation of a nebulous impression may be dangerous , giving it a force and potency which silence or merely a lack of clarification would deny to it . ’
22 The 16-year-old forgot her contact lenses at her hotel and only a desperate delivery in the nick of time saved her from an embarrassing night at the Virginia Slims Championships .
23 If consent is needed any purported transfer by the vendor may be a repudiatory breach of that contract by the vendor exposing the vendor to a claim for damages from its customer and possibly a claim by the purchaser against the vendor if the customer treats the contract as terminated particularly if the vendor warranted that no consents were needed .
24 The conditions of its composition and even a precise date for the play are uncertain .
25 they then go back to their office and unfortunately a lot of what other people in the office are doing are taught
26 Where the detective short story had as its object the displaying of an act of detection , the crime short story or suspense short story has as its object to put a person or persons into danger and give a revelation to one or more people , be they the perpetrator of a crime , its victim or simply a witness .
27 Mr Miller finished writing down the details and said ruefully , ‘ I was going to give you coffee and then a tour round the rest of my animals , but there 's no time left . ’
28 Well , that Arthur turned up at last and the vicar married them , but afterwards me sister let Arthur know just 'ow she felt , she chucked the whole weddin' cake at 'im , then 'er bokey an' then a full bottle of port .
29 David did not in fact begin to relax his reserve until nearly a week after the telegram had arrived , when Julia judged it a suitable moment to say that she and Anthony would be making other plans for Easter .
30 Those were the words he spoke to her as she lay in his arms in the vulnerable moments following his pleasure when only a lout — in his opinion — would turn away from a woman without a word and go to sleep .
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