Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dozens of motorcyclists teamed up to ride from Teesside International Airport to Darlington Memorial Hospital , taking with them Easter gifts for the young patients .
2 I hoped it was just a passing phase , sparked off by her catching me fooling around in the Plaster Room , and thanked my guardian angel for the way Old Red had just covered up for me .
3 , a delightful person , was my guardian angel for the first ten days of the tour , and was also good enough to rearrange my return journey from Hyderabad , so that I could get back in London in time for an appointment on 29 November .
4 My Mum lives for the films .
5 I was living off my car savings for a while , but then they ran out .
6 I tried thinking of others , more as a device than a good , and clenched my thigh muscles for a start , to give half an inch more room to the neighbors .
7 In my opinion counsel for the receiver is well-founded in his contention that condition 8.1 must be construed as an attempt to create a hypothec of a type not recognised by law .
8 ‘ Expanding Emporio is the most important aspect of my business plan for the next five years , ’ says the maestro , confidently plotting his way to a bright future as less resilient designers wring their hands or close shop .
9 It was a coincidence that the previous weekend I had been sorting through an old trunk of mine full of memorabilia at my parents ' home , and came across my membership certificate for the Tailwaggers Club , along with Tailwagger medallion .
10 To revert to my opening discussion for a moment , one might say that the conflict between the drives of the id and the demands of the cultural superego represented above all in the taboos on incest and aggression against the father has become severely exacerbated and that , if Freud felt that in his day the balance was too far on the side of society and the superego , today it has swung too far in the direction of the individual and the id ; for it is clear that a balance between these two opposing fundamental forces is the essence of human existence .
11 So I think I would do away with my plum tomatoes for a start with something else .
12 At midnight , when , as the carol says , the animals were on their knees , I crept to the cot and put my pillowcase offering for the little fatherless one .
13 In the course of my newspaper work for the Times-Herald I became Provincial Editor , a title which brought no increase in salary .
14 My friend plays for the United and her husband polishes up her boots on a Saturday night !
15 These would be my iron rations for a hard day 's cruising the streets in Armstrong .
16 I would not for my amusement wish for a storm ; but as storms , whether wished or not , will sometimes happen , I may say , without violation of humanity , that I should willingly look out upon them from Slanes [ sic ] castle . ’
17 He taught me the lesson of supply and demand for , although quite willing to swap , he demanded twelve of my Anstie spares for the one card .
18 ‘ Honestly God , if you had seen my performance reports for the last forty years you would not be offering me this position . ’
19 I 'm lucky enough to have a diary full of opera engagements , and my recording schedule for the next couple of years is particularly exciting : Così with Mehta [ See our interview in the next issue ! — Ed. ] , a disc of Mozart arias , and a Magic Flute ( all for Sony ) , a Don Carlos with Levine , a Verdi Requiem , all the Schubert Masses , a Verdi recital , some Russian bass/baritone duets , and a recital of Mussorgsky and Rachmaninov songs with Alexis Weissenberg ! ’
20 I was just about ready to turn in my leather jacket for a Limnititzker housewife 's headscarf , anything for a passport into that secret world of hers …
21 At the baker 's I offered to exchange my leather gloves for a small cake , but the baker 's wife looked at my dirty clothes and said , ‘ I 'm sorry , but how do I know you have n't stolen them ? ’
22 Otherwise I might trade in my detective work for a life on the boards . ’
23 I exchanged my cassette player for a compact disc player , replaced my speakers with component speakers ( ie tweeter , midrange , mid bass and sub bass ) and added two amplifiers .
24 Used my travel alarm for the first time having been appointed ‘ waker up ’ for breakfast — not a success as I had forgotten to resent for French time ( one hour ahead ) — many comments about my parentage .
25 well I thought well if it checks me another six months at least when they say have you got any experience , but as I say I 'm still in touch with Mencap and I 'm still in touch with mine and I 've also er put in for , what they call them mobility insistence for the Princess Marina which again an education and you just go in and be , be a friend to somebody and you take them out for an hour , er a couple of hours , you , and you 're paid five pounds eighty for a two hour session
26 They were both so obsessed with the place , its gossip and rumours and intrigues , that they wanted to spend every possible moment together there , comparing notes , exchanging opinions : who was in , who out , what X said about Y's review of P's book about Q. Well , she was sick and tired of the place , tired of its beautiful architecture housing vanity and paranoia , glad to exchange its hothouse atmosphere for the real if smoky air of Rummidge .
27 The death seems to have had a distressing effect on Christabel , who returned eventually to her family , living with her sister Sophie for the rest of her quiet and uneventful life .
28 In a one-off experiment , the Coca-Cola Cup finalists will have their names above their shirt numbers for the match at Wembley on 18 April .
29 The idea of the lofty Naylor Massingham sitting impatiently outside her apartment block for an hour was one which Leith found quite pleasing — so much so that she almost broke into a smile .
30 HCIMA supplies a triplicate standard form onto which assessment marks for an area of study should be entered .
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