Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] time [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We all have to think of ourselves from time to time , do n't we ? ’
2 If they decide they do n't like what she does , they have plenty of time over tea to say so before the painting begins .
3 There was plenty of time for questions .
4 Before we start the presentation I 'd mention there will be hard copies of the slides available , the video is for internal use only and there should be plenty of time for questions at the end .
5 Let them have fun ; there is plenty of time for responsibility when they are adult .
6 An interesting adaption of our 10 day holiday to Alsopahok in Hungary occurs when we make an overnight stay in the Vienna Woods area , thereby giving you plenty of time for sightseeing in Vienna itself .
7 Last year she had a lovely crop from her plot , which measures about 2ft by 3ft ; this year she dug it over in plenty of time for May 4 , the day on which she sows on the basis of an old saying : ‘ the 4th of May is kidney bean day ’ .
8 There 's plenty of time for fun yet . ’
9 The world stockmarket hiccup of October 1987 pulled people up sharp and the malaise of the six years which followed gave plenty of time for reflection .
10 The programme for each of the training days contains formal talks , group practical work , and plenty of time for discussion .
11 It was alright at Euston Station on the way up because we had plenty of time for loading — but — on the return journey we could see the train approaching while still careering through the country lanes on our coach .
12 Order now , and that useful gift will be with you in plenty of time for Christmas , ready to delight your special d-i-y devotee
13 Plenty of time for practice . ’
14 ‘ I did n't have a mouthful this morning , I was so afraid of not getting myself ready in plenty of time for Rainbow . ’
15 Plenty of time for de Raimes to lock himself into his keep .
16 But there was plenty of time for fear .
17 There was plenty of time for Donald to think things over .
18 The next stop at Rothley will allow plenty of time for photographs at the restored gas-lit station where another runpast will take place while refreshments are served .
19 Thus , safe and composed , we arrived in the very heart of Derbyshire 's beautiful and historic Peak District , looking forward to our three day stay and in plenty of time for dinner .
20 Thus , safe and composed , we arrived in the very heart of Derbyshire 's beautiful and historic Peak District , looking forward to our three day stay and in plenty of time for dinner .
21 There was plenty of time before Curtain Up at 8 o'clock , half the cast had gone out and backstage had a drowsy air about it .
22 But at just 31 , you 've still got plenty of time in hand .
23 The garden of the house beside Century Street was enclosed by a tall , black wooden fence , parts of which in time of storm often collapsed .
24 There are calm , spaciousness and perfectly balanced pictures within the overall design which from time to time acquire a more athletic quality , particularly in Monotones H ( i.e. two boys and a girl ) .
25 The Zuwaya maintained an image of statelessness and an identity as free persons which from time to time became an active force in their politics .
26 This is probably the reason for its universal acceptance as something to be cherished , and for its survival despite all religious disapproval which from time to time has endeavoured to denigrate it , as did for example , some of the teachings of Puritanism .
27 The fire had formed a bed of glowing ash , a core on which from time to time they threw a branch .
28 Their in-built Tory majority , which from time to time ( ie , during a Labour government ) plainly puts them at odds with the nation , tends to be exaggerated .
29 By democratic regimes we mean those in which from time to time the people is given the illusion of being sovereign , while true effective sovereignty lies in other , perhaps irresponsible and secret , forces …
30 The persistence of such complaints , which from time to time were endorsed by local persons not connected with the woollen trade , suggests that these " oppressions " were widespread and long-lasting .
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