Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Only a few years ago he criticised me for speaking to the press and said I should never do it again .
2 Wedding and funeral forms , sent in by the families , were passed to me for transposing into the accepted cliches .
3 Station staff knew everyone worth knowing in the suburb apart from the few tradesmen who made no use of the railway for carriage of goods .
4 good to use them for swinging in the trees .
5 There is increasing conflict between the church and state funding and we need to free ourselves from wingeing about the cuts .
6 Knives are now a standard part of the criminal 's equipment and it is very difficult for us to defend ourselves without going beyond the law , but there are ways — as you will see later .
7 If it is possible to show that existential propositions are equivalent to denials of the validity of inferences of a certain kind , then instead of talking about existence we can confine ourselves to talking about the validity of inference .
8 Well he said if he accuses me of fiddling with the telly I 'll punch his fucking
9 John Ashenden , seated alone in the front nearside seat , debated with himself about reaching for the microphone and saying a few words about Somerville College , the Radcliffe Infirmary , the Tower of the Winds , the large , late nineteenth-century redbrick residences , St Edward 's School …
10 There is plenty of shipping in the Crouch .
11 Gradually , over the years , the colour of the breed became darker through mahogany to black , and there was plenty of crossing to the Hereford for its grazing characteristics and to the Ayrshire to restore milk yields .
12 Some will survive winter outdoors with plenty of lagging round the container so that the roots do not get frozen , and protective mulches , or plastic sheet round the top growth .
13 There was much of this , a few small side-bets , and plenty of mixing between the generations .
14 The area around Roznov is quite beautiful , offering plenty of walking in the valleys and hills .
15 Although invited by the Liberal Party to be their candidate for the Clapham Division 20 years ago or more , [ he ] was unable to accept the invitation , and contented himself with speaking for the Liberal or Progressive candidate at every available opportunity in many elections .
16 Albert was the first to know the Mr Gregory had lost his seat but had to restrain himself from swinging from the Assembly Rooms chandeliers in celebration .
17 He went to get up but his legs were numb from kneeling and he had to put his hand out to stop himself from tumbling into the water far below .
18 Then he slipped , and caught at the grass to stop himself from going to the bottom .
19 He only managed to save himself from falling into the sea by putting one foot on either side of the doorway .
20 He prides himself on delivering on the optimum date to balance the welfare of mother and baby , and his percentage of vaginal deliveries over Caesarean is amazingly high — which is great , these days .
21 Baldwin said , ‘ I thank God for your decision , ’ and applied himself to mediating in the coal dispute which continued independently .
22 At this Brian had resigned himself to living in the district .
23 The pope seems to have confined himself to insisting on the prohibition of lay investiture .
24 In temperament he was not unlike Surere , a career official who had dedicated himself to climbing to the top of the power structure , though he had chosen the priesthood as his channel .
25 In the reply he is not allowed to introduce any new matter and must confine himself to replying to the points made in the discussion and to summarising the main arguments he put forward when moving the motion .
26 He had managed to dislodge the noose from his neck and save himself by jumping into the freezing water below .
27 He must get this right , not make a fool of himself by stumbling over the words , not using the correct terminology or not knowing which fish he wanted .
28 He had even tried to stretch himself by hanging from the limb of a tree by his hands until the skin on his palms was blistered .
29 He finds himself by looking in the works of others .
30 On another occasion he bravely went on to the roof to assess the wind damage to his television aerial but slipped and just managed to save himself by clinging to the guttering — not however , before dislodging a slate which bulleted downward and sliced its way effortlessly into the bonnet of his neighbour 's brand new car to form a kind of dorsal fin .
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