Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [adj] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 After 1911 , women whose husbands were in insured employment received a maternity benefit of 30/ rising to £2 after World War I , which was completely absorbed by the cost of an attendant , leaving nothing for extra food and necessities for the mother and baby .
2 Unless we care nothing for human freedom and are impervious to human suffering , denunciation seems an implausible general justification for a system which deliberately inflicts punishment on people .
3 I have to warn Professor that there 's more than one party can play that game and if he thinks that it is sensible to run the affairs of this council on deliberate obstructionism on the basis that if you go on long enough you can wear people down then I think it 's unfortunate , it 's bad for this council bad for the people we serve , it does frankly nothing for local government and I ca n't blame central government if it loses patience So I recognise at the end of the day that erm Mr has had troubles with some of his erm er newcomers he obviously needs to re-establish some control over his group .
4 But he said nothing for 24 hours and later , in a panic , sent police in the opposite direction .
5 I 'd only experienced them through other people and it was something I could n't bear to think about , really , because my mother had died of it and all I could remember was a series of silences and around the silence was terror to me .
6 The closures are mainly smaller , less profitable branches or those with overlapping parishes : 150 full-time and 93 part-time staff will lose their jobs , some of them through voluntary redundancy and early retirement .
7 Meanwhile , the only people making money' out of BBC programmes are the pirates , who are busily taping programmes ‘ off-air ’ , duplicating and selling them through shady shops and Middle Eastern outlets .
8 They can press up their own records and sell them through local shops and radio .
9 Big firms have long ago weaned themselves off their dependence on the banks who , in the 1960s and 1970s , supported them through thin times and thick .
10 The problem arose if our visitors had changed them between one trip and the next , when he would be completely foxed .
11 Explosives were found in nearly all of the latter and there had been twenty fires in them between 1 November and 26 December 1921 .
12 He rattled them between cupped hands and threw them into the dust .
13 He stutters , but he caddied for me for five years and he knows the game inside out .
14 Well , Her Ladyship was rather special because she was with me for many years and supported me by producing calves for market .
15 ‘ He has coached me for many years and will certainly do so again , ’ admitted Gooch .
16 Here is a man who antagonised me and bothered me for 16 months and when I said ‘ yes ’ to fighting him again , he said ‘ no ’ .
17 She had n't written to me for several weeks and I was beginning to wonder what stage her marriage plans had arrived at , but was n't at all prepared for the news that greeted me .
18 ’ I gather you want me for 2 deaths and a fire . ’
19 Platt said : ‘ It has been niggling me for some time and , although it is nothing serious , it has been decided to sort it out sooner rather than later . ’
20 He wrote it and handed it to me for this newsletter and I ran out of space .
21 She paid me for this week and she said well I you 've got ninety pound here
22 She could 've talked to me for ten years and still not come out with it .
23 I placed Geoffrey Wilkinson , a Principal Inspector of Accidents ( who has now succeeded me as Chief Inspector and head of AIB ) , in charge of the investigation .
24 I mean , tell them about natural selection and all that and do n't mention God .
25 Young people who have been caught in this trap have had no information given to them about this change and can not avail themselves of the choice of training like colleagues born on or before July 1 .
26 Strains developed over the migration of the ‘ vyezzhye belye Kalmyki ’ to Russian territory , since the prince of the Teleuts regarded them as traitorous subjects and demanded their return .
27 He has successfully rescued a whole series of major houses , without a penny of historic buildings grants , by adapting them as self-contained houses and cottages .
28 ‘ Hullo there , ’ said the doctor , greeting them as old acquaintances and introducing them to Lydia and Betty .
29 But Mum knew them for crafty rogues and she had n't forgotten the coal .
30 And there were those men who encouraged us to reprimand them for sexist thoughts and deeds .
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