Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Benn was so impressed with Ceauşescu 's Romania that he found nothing odd in the following suggestion from Bruno Pittermann , the former chairman of Kreisky 's Austrian Socialist Party : ‘ Pittermann said he would like to see parliamentary links with Romania , Poland and Yugoslavia , and to study their election process and procedure .
2 However , it will never make them rich in the same way that potentially having an independent company and taking that to the market would have .
3 Last night , on ’ Newsnight ’ , Mr. Brendan Bruce , the former director of communications for the Tories , said : ’ No-one sensible in the Tory Party actually believes the Labour Party would put up public spending by £37 billion ’ .
4 I would n't be where I am today if I could n't hold my own in a dog-eat-dog world .
5 I sleep on my own in a big double bed in a big room with a view of the sea . ’
6 Is the Prime Minister aware that 500,000 cashmere jerseys are worth £75 million to textile communities such as my own in the central borders in Scotland ?
7 The figures are based on my own in the 1970s and now bear no relation to the present day , but they serve as a broad outline .
8 now I 'm up here all on my own in the higher class !
9 Emil briefly consulted a notebook , stowed his travel bag on a rack in a small bedroom and directed me to put my big in the one next door .
10 ‘ At the World Cup final in Gothenburg , for example , I tried to treat each day as a normal day , doing my best in the individual classes and not worrying about the final result .
11 He beat me 3–0 in a five-frame match , 2–0 when we doubled the money and then we played a final frame for double-your-money again and when he reached the yellow he had already won the match .
12 In this way nothing visible in the archaeological record constitutes the other half of the exchange ; such consumables as animals and crops fall into the same category .
13 The pope 's influence was at its greatest in the papal fiefs , where the kings became his vassals .
14 The former power was not entirely diminished , and its lingering potential threat was at its greatest in the Populist movement of the 1880s .
15 Heather Calzini spent thousands of pounds looking for Milliegrey , worth around £60,000 and pregnant when she was taken from her stable in the dead of night .
16 One young man , unable to tolerate the thought , burned himself alive in a public square .
17 Like her failure to realise , or even to care , that her indifference to other people 's convenience and comfort could eventually leave her friendless in a cold world .
18 Get her interested in the male sex .
19 But Jackman had the strokes and strength to respond to the challenge and her counter-offensive in the fourth game swung the balance back .
20 Moreover , it is not without point that national economic consensus was at its strongest in the late 1950s under the premiership of Harold Macmillan .
21 By the delicacy of her person and the brilliancy of her eye she had tinder enough in her constitution to catch a well struck spark and I trusted I should know how to set her ablaze in a few months more .
22 It is a universal characteristic of higher animals that they senesce ; that is , the likelihood of their dying in a given time interval , say a year , increases as they grow older , and often fecundity declines .
23 Now she can put her right arm in the right-hand hole , and her left in the left side ; then simply lift her arms up and sweep the coat over her head into place .
24 He found it was at its worst in the late evenings when he sat alone in Fern Cottage .
25 The sound quality varies enormously throughout the 39 tracks , ( which span roughly 50 years ) , but is at its worst in the eight cylinder recordings made by the composer himself in 1910 .
26 Duncan unlocked the door and supervised the fuelling from a small bowser as Myeloski made himself comfortable in the rear seat .
27 MONEY MANIA : A trader yells himself hoarse in the deafening pit where fortunes changed hands
28 Podvig , also prominent in the Crime and Punishment notebooks , gets relegated in the final text to the Epilogue where it is seen at its simplest in the mitigating circumstance that the murderer is discovered at his trial to have burnt himself rescuing two little children from a blazing house .
29 He attached exteme , extreme importance to their visiting in the first few years .
30 Brian Clough 's men earned their second trip to Wembley this season and their sixth in the last four years thanks to Irishman Roy Keane 's stunning extra-time header on an afternoon of high drama at rain-soaked White Hart Lane .
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