Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [adv] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'd think someone rich enough to own a rig like this could afford a pair of fenders . ’
2 Winston Smith seeks such things in Orwell 's last book when he enters the slums of London to find someone old enough to remember an England he himself had never known .
3 Is yours powerful enough to spend the rest of your life in a rage , looking at your watch ?
4 Observers did not deem them serious enough to put the election results into question , and the UDF , which had described the elections as dishonest and unfair on June 14 , issued a statement on June 22 supporting the Central Electoral Commission .
5 Perhaps Lucker has not made himself visible enough to justify the cost .
6 She closed her eyes and was uncertain what soothed the effects of his brutishness most — the fact that he thought her good enough to tackle the Palmer & Pearson work , the fact that he thought her brainy , or the fact that he thought her beautiful .
7 The hesitant middle-aged gentleman who was brave enough to join a keep fit class later found himself confident enough to join the neighbouring management training and business start-up class , and grew in confidence and ability to the extent that he opened up a new business .
8 has done its utmost actively to encourage the blossoming of black golfers , although apartheid , as it is known , is an official policy of racial segregation practised in the Republic of South Africa with a view to promoting and maintaining white ascendancy .
9 Just talking about it made her jittery enough to need a nip out of Thacker 's flask in Sam 's opinion .
10 Reviewing Britain 's prisons , the paper summed them up as ‘ a decent sort of warehouse , doing its best not to let the stock deteriorate ’ .
11 Everyone glad just to leave the scene ,
12 " No one in the Labour Party " , wrote Cripps , " wants to encourage the forming of any sort of combined Opposition if it can be avoided — that is to say , if the Labour Party can show itself strong enough to give the lead to the anti-National Government forces and to be a real and effective Opposition to that Government " .
13 Those of you old enough to remember the No 1 Chart Hit of 1968 ‘ Israelites ’ will need no introduction to Desmond Dekker .
14 Nothing substantial enough to stop the noise going straight downstairs into the bars
15 Some people find it does them good psychologically to use an expensive preparation but it is possible to keep the skin soft and free from unpleasant dryness without spending a fortune .
16 But it does n't seem to be worthwhile to chuck out all the bits of paper we 've got and replace them all just to get the colour right .
17 All you have to do is draw all the little bits of an object and push them all together to make a silhouette of the object and then performing one combine operation joins them all together to make an outline that would take you a lot longer to draw in one piece .
18 All you have to do is draw all the little bits of an object and push them all together to make a silhouette of the object and then performing one combine operation joins them all together to make an outline that would take you a lot longer to draw in one piece .
19 He would of course estimate the supply prices of all these different factors of production of the cloth with reference to the amounts of each of them that would be wanted , and on the supposition that the conditions of supply would be normal ; and he would add them all together to find the supply price of the cloth .
20 In a recent large UK search the company in question called on five of the major search firms , and invited them all in to make a competitive pitch to decide who was going to be successful at finding them a group chief executive .
21 Cumulative selection , once it has begun , seems to me powerful enough to make the evolution of intelligence probable , if not inevitable .
22 All around is an endless interlocking of carvings , on doors and walls , overlooking windows and around anything and everything strong enough to take the gods and shepherds , maidens and old men , curls and whisks of Baroque fancy .
23 That Merymose had died because he had discovered something important enough to threaten the killer was clear , and Huy knew that his own reluctance to take the policeman into his confidence had been one indirect reason for his death .
24 On the other hand , you may want something sturdy enough to take a growing baby on frequent weekends away , or to double as a playpen on trips to friends , which will make your investment really worthwhile .
25 Had not God made them small enough to do the job ?
26 Is it possible just to have a glass water ?
27 Anyway , we nailed our box to the wall and propped up the front with a piece of wood , to make it stable enough to support the weight of our two owls .
28 The pier has friends — what pier does n't these days — but is it strong enough to withstand the seemingly inexorable demographic tides sweeping through the town ?
29 In conclusion , I ask is it sensible needlessly to destroy a system which provides the best standard of living for all its citizens on the African continent and replace it with a system which will bring misery in the short-term and has little proof that it will ever attain today 's standard of living in the long term ?
30 Is it appropriate sometimes to finish the drama session with a game or an exercise which calms and focuses ?
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