Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun] like [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The sun is now striking the tent and the trees around , producing an underwater effect on my green tent like kelp swaying in a tide .
2 The suggestion that there might be a ‘ precoeliac ’ state was first made by Weinstein who described two patients with dermatitis herpetiformis and normal jejunal biopsies in whom typical coeliac like enteropathy developed some weeks after 20 g gluten was added to their already gluten containing diet .
3 Even in the 1980's bears lived in a heavily barred concrete box which did not allow any of its usual activities like swimming , climbing , scratching or exploring .
4 Revolution was now the buzzword , as pop allied itself with the youth riots that occurred throughout Europe and America in 1968 and 1969 ; although overtly concerned with inner space , pop went public with a confusing mixture of ideology and rhetoric , to which private concerns like self and sexuality were subordinated .
5 All sorts of alternatives were canvassed : worker-management , worker ownership , ‘ social ownership ’ , under which public services like health and transport would own industrial shares .
6 I thought the two rivers both rising on Plynlimmon and then flowing their separate ways like brother and sister then meeting down under the Severn Bridge — I thought that provided a very nice theme for this beautiful border country
7 One moment an avenue of chestnut trees looks ‘ like a child 's drawing of ghosts ’ ; the next it appears ‘ frightening but derelict , like extinguished chandeliers ’ ; and finally the chestnuts ‘ prance at him , holding up their gleaming branches like hysterics . ’
8 The first , which we might call " strict " conventionalism , restricts the law of a community to the explicit extension of its legal conventions like legislation and precedent .
9 But now Philip was dead , and that short-lived moment of terror spread through her beautiful memories like ink stirred into clear water .
10 And the mysterious little girl picked a bunch of the sweet mountain basil , with its grey leaves like smoke , and gave them to Marko .
11 Rory could n't help but wonder if he could hear her heart beating , since it was thundering in her own ears like jungle drums .
12 The task of the radio preacher is not to sell his or her own religion like soap powder but to help listeners compose the ‘ scripture ’ of their own lives .
13 But this would be wrong because , as Kant has demonstrated , ‘ existence is not an attribute ’ , an additional property which a thing has on top of its other properties like greenness , tallness , or roundness .
14 Hermione was glowing radiant in the dusk , an intense silver light , vibrantly running in the tight curls of her hair like neon , in the soft pinker palms of her hands like candlelight , in her eyes and teeth like electricity , and across all her whole skin like fluorescence .
15 Rye praises the IT she has received : ‘ The project has kept me off the streets and taught me useful things like carpentry .
16 And having been backed for the classic at long odds before his Newmarket introduction , Cordoba became clear favourite for the 2000 after treating his six opponents like seaside donkeys .
17 The old bishop stirred restlessly as the wind howled in savage gusts against the castle and , although they had never met , he would have agreed with Corbett : Satan was abroad , his evil gathering like pus in am open wound .
18 Tension was plucking at his aged tendons like lute strings , mottling his complexion into an approximation of Sefcredian clay-lizard skin .
19 ‘ There is almost a foot of it out there , ’ Guillamon told him , his blue eyes like ice .
20 Like John Carpenter 's such , have you seen erm his other , any of his other films like Assault on Precinct Thirteen ?
21 ‘ Will His Royal Highness like mutton broth ? ’ wondered Alice doubtfully .
22 His chest heaving , he collapsed against her , the breath driven from his body , his heart thrashing against his ribs , and then slowly awareness returned , seeping into his dazed mind like ice-water , bring with it the pain and an overwhelming sense of self-loathing and disgust .
23 It is not one of our inherent feelings like love , hate , anger , or fear .
24 We revisited some of our old haunts like Butterfly Creek , and old friends like the Lawrences whose house is approached by their own private cable car ( very scary the first time you ride it ) .
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