Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] never see [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This was n't the India I knew : during five previous visits I had never seen women kiss each other .
2 They 're l lead men you know and he has er painted this and it must be something to do with these men but these drawings now , I 've never seen drawings like them
3 You could just see them at low water and er that was one of the danger points but I 've never seen ships coming close to Skerrymor at all .
4 I 've never seen guys cough up so fast ! ’
5 I 've never seen hops so big .
6 There were alot of helicopters going overhead and when they came I have never seen children move so fast .
7 I have never seen men in such high spirits . ’
8 She 'd never seen swings like them before or since — wooden boats painted bright yellow with curlicues of red and green , where two of you sat facing each other and pulled alternately on ropes to swing yourselves higher and higher .
9 You 've never seen spreadsheets looking so good !
10 Tears had run on his cheeks as she had never seen tears coming from an adult man before .
11 All the cafe owners we spoke to insisted they 've never seen cars parked on the carriageway .
12 All the cafe owners we spoke to insisted they 've never seen cars parked on the carriageway .
13 He 'd never seen stars like he 'd seen them around here , cold and diamond-sharp and so many .
14 The birds were n't anything he knew and he 'd never seen toadstools like that with spots on .
15 He had never seen Nails before as other than a surly , rude boy , but now he was smiling and looked light-headed .
16 He had never seen Myles Burke laugh before .
17 On visiting the Landes Park flock , much publicised by the Tesco supermarket advertisements featuring Dudley Moore , David Whiting , on behalf of CIWF , commented that he had never seen chickens kept in better conditions .
18 He had never seen Englishmen get themselves into such a state before ; they looked more like untouchables .
19 There were about two hundred and fifty cadets in residence and some of them had never seen cadets from another corps .
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