Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] that such [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I contend that such Biros employ an advanced form of camouflage .
2 I fear that such risks will be taken by the government here too .
3 I conclude that such carers will either be obtained from the crossroads organisation or something similar or from private advertisement but not from a nursing agency .
4 I suspect that such things may gradually wither away , as members of staff are increasingly prepared to give their time according to the letter of their contracts and no more , and are increasingly expected to do so .
5 I appreciate that such proposals raise cost , operating and Health & safety issues , and would be grateful for your observations so that I may report back to my Committee .
6 I know that such experiences are often said to be the result of the individuals concerned having read a book or article or seen a film or television programme about the particular place and then having forgotten that they have done so .
7 What it seems to mean is that if this pump had been required in an emergency , it would not have been immediately available and although , after a lifetime in industry , I know that such errors and failure can and do happen , there is really no room for such occurrences in nuclear generation .
8 I believe that such statements are likely to be readily identified in Parliamentary proceedings and the cases in which they are relevant will be determined by the nature of the subject matter .
9 Similarly , when G. P. Jones moves from noting the greater prominence of pronouns in Shakespeare compared with other Elizabethans to the statement that his sonnets have ‘ a substantial autobiographical element ’ , and that the ‘ fluctuation between thou and you ’ shows ‘ the poet 's uncertainty about his personal , social and professional connection with his patron is at its most acute ’ , then I feel that such speculations deflect attention from the real focus of interest , the pronouns as forms of relationship .
10 I feel that such hybrids as those made at the University of Hamburg ( Monitor , 31 March , p888 ) are hardly innovative .
11 I knew that such contradictions could be resolved for Jean-Claude in his work , and I felt that he , like me , should not allow them to dominate life .
12 For this reason , I think that such difficulties arise a good deal more often than is generally appreciated .
13 I confess to having myself once described a particularly abstruse provision as ‘ something of a minor masterpiece of opacity ’ , but I regret it because I think that such shafts are frequently not aimed at the right target .
14 Nor do I accept that such feelings are a sign of weakness , provided that they are accompanied by an inner toughness where necessary and justified . ’
15 We have cultural stereotypes which suggest that such occasions are difficult for us , potentially embarrassing , because we do not know the appropriate responses .
16 The new law enshrined a compromise formula which stated that such individuals " shall be guided in their activity by the requirements of the law , and are not bound by the decisions of parties and mass public organizations to which they belong " .
17 The project will compare their approaches , the limitations and advantages of the models and will test claims drawn from previous studies of the police which indicate that such models are difficult , if not impossible to implement in police organisations .
18 The machines have demonstrated that even good players make far more errors of this sort than anyone ever imagined , which means that such errors have usually gone undetected and unpunished .
19 However , there is also a rule for raising after /k , g/ , which predicts that such items as cabbage , castle , cab will appear with front vowels .
20 In the rush to install childcare facilities , there are those who fear that such provisions will be badly planned and hastily constructed , with little thought for the children 's needs .
21 You conclude that such developments would be in the interests of individual consumers .
22 They were generous country girls who accept that such things happen .
23 The use of such tests is a controversial issue , with on the one hand , anti-abortion lobbies arguing that life begins at conception and that therefore all abortion is wrong , through to womens ' groups who believe that such tests should be available to all pregnant women of all ages , so that those who do not wish to take the risk of giving birth to a mentally handicapped child may take the appropriate actions to prevent it .
24 those who think that some literary works are inherently and self-evidently superior to the rest and 2. those who think that such value-judgements are only the product of an ideology which itself is the product of material circumstances .
25 A member who considers that such principles have been breached should be careful that he does not waive or condone the breach .
26 We argued that such statements reflect the growing consensus nationally about what constitutes good practice in the teaching of English .
27 Second , if we accept that such adjectives , unlike predicate qualifiers , are genuinely equivalent to a modified clause in conjunction with the noun phrase which they follow , then it is entirely predictable that this construction will demand , as the preceding main verb , one which customarily supports a predication expressed in an explicit subordinate clause ; this will not , however , be demanded of the verb preceding a predicate qualifier .
28 In all cases except FEDV this criterion is satisfied since all other variables are dated t - 1 or earlier , and we assume that such variables are in agents ' information sets .
29 With forty years of hindsight , we know that such hopes for a ban on possession of the bomb were sadly misplaced .
30 High mortgages , the massive increase of families in bed-and-breakfast accommodation , a revised benefits ' system sweeping away school meals ' entitlements and heavily dependent on loans , the Poll Tax , cutbacks in family planning clinics , the introduction of loans in higher education , fare increases and timetable reductions on deregulated public transport — we know that such hardships bear more on women the less money they have .
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