Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] he for [det] " in BNC.

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1 I asked him for some bread and cheese , and he went down to the kitchen . ’
2 I asked him for more but he said that with the family allowance we had the same .
3 When I press him for more names he suddenly gets the deer-caught-in-the-headlights look , and , deciding he 's already revealed too much , replies , ‘ Ah , just people . ’
4 I hated him for that .
5 I owe him for that . ’
6 I thanked him for all he had bought .
7 He 's been brought up strictly , he goes to synagogue — I respect him for that .
8 And I respect him for that .
9 I liked him for that .
10 ‘ I ca n't say I blame him for that . ’
11 In retirement Leslie launched the Oswestry Festival of Village Choirs , which absorbed him for some years until underfunding brought it to an end .
12 He was offering her an out and she respected him for that .
13 Coleridge awoke , he said , retaining ‘ a distinct recollection of the whole ’ , and was eagerly committing the poem to writing when he was called out by a person on business from Porlock who detained him for more than an hour .
14 The truth was there in his eyes , and she hated him for that , too .
15 She blamed him for all this .
16 She thanked him for that as well .
17 Because Boo had not been seen for so long by Maycomb , he was turned into a scapegoat by the adults who blamed him for any thing and every thing that went wrong , and the children thought of him as a terrible monster with blood dripping from his mouth who ate squirrels .
18 Years later , she acknowledged the debt she owed him for those early lessons in self-determination .
19 He was no more blind than you or I. Did n't you recognize him for that man we gave a ride to on the road ?
20 It was strange how she loved him for that business with Tommaso so long ago , how she had such a feeling for the intricate conventions of the old code , and saw him as a man of honour , a duellist .
21 She watched him for several moments , then looked about the large dining-room , trying to fathom the reason for his actions .
22 She liked him for that .
23 He spoke bitterly of the way she left him for another man , a student , when she was 16 then humiliated him by giving intimate details of their affair to the press .
24 Even when Vinnie left — although we sold him for either what we bought him , or maybe 50 grand more , he had a very good season at Leeds , proved he could play a bit , he should have gone for more .
25 Why did they need him for this job ?
26 But I know they blamed him for that .
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