Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] it [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 Because that was er you know I mean it got the group together
2 I realised it lacked the ring of truth , ’ Silas said while regarding her intently .
3 Erm as I say it turned the the element on but no fan blowing air over it to cool it
4 It gives me the creeps and I know it frightened the kiddies .
5 The head jerked , just the once , to the left , so I reckon it heard the ‘ phone . ’
6 One of them was at Muirfield in 1972 , and I believe it turned the Open for us .
7 Yes I suppose it sounded the same to me .
8 But I suppose it kept the bikes off the top bit .
9 I doubt it said the Constable ,
10 I was really knocked out by your article on Philip Glass and I think it contained the best description of Glass ' music I have ever read .
11 I think it broke the filter .
12 Well I think it broke the seal in the wash and er which was good get them as they were laid they were okay .
13 human beings , it was just a almost clinical , I think it used the word there .
14 This was strapped so tightly around my ankles I think it stopped the circulation in my feet .
15 So I think it ended the way he would have wanted it to end .
16 Someone said it owned the airline and was the government .
17 The EVA wedge at the heel gives good shock absorption , but I wish it travelled the whole length of the boot as I find the balls of my feet get sore after a long day on the hill .
18 That structure was consolidated in the Local Government Act 1933 , under which Act it remained the system of local government until the Local Government Act 1972 .
19 Meanwhile , the Reston , Virginia-based Visix , which reckons it missed the contract IBM awarded to Neuron Data Inc last week by a whisker , is thought to be looking at some alternative ways of marketing Galaxy , including using the Internet as a vehicle .
20 Only in the case of the General Strike and the events which surrounded it did the participation of the Prime Minister match his degree of ultimate responsibility .
21 The sleeves and shoulders are very sloping — can you see it 's sort of , the line 's gone very drooping , I mean somebody said it gave the impression of melting butter , and , and that 's really the sort of figure that you 've got .
22 Since the advice scheme now permitted access to a solicitor on any question of English law and the advertising campaign which launched it stressed the ‘ social welfare ’ problems now within the scheme , it was disappointing that the first evidence of usage showed little deviation from the traditional pattern .
23 H How do you think it affected the schooling ?
24 Erm , did you think it reflected the views of the tenants ?
25 The writer has collected three instances of this practice : two in the Stowmarket district and one near Mendlesham where the farmer who recalled it made the comment after the cold and wet spring of 1963 : ‘ I do n't know how those owd bors who used to set on the seed-bed would get on today : I reckon they 'd get themselves right chilled . ’
26 With the black , you know it had the black bit as well
27 And while she was pleased for Stella to be out of hospital and in more comfortable surroundings , she knew it heralded the beginning of the end of her own sojourn at Wilder 's Wilderness .
28 The military claimed that his killing , in the national penitentiary , was the work of Aristide supporters , but this version was disputed by analysts who thought it marked the settling of old scores between Lafontant and his opponents within the army .
29 She said it left the council no choice but to activate the distress warrants granted by the courts .
30 The insolent way she said it made the other girls gasp with astonishment .
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