Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] more [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well I suppose more salted meat I mean more home home butching and erm making bread I suppose or the womenfolk were likely baking every day .
2 please , cos I appreciate more manuscript paper .
3 Let me give you one or two specific examples , I 'm always interested , having been in a college for thirty five years in adult education , I 'm interested in the primary schools and I must admit I get more job satisfaction the moment we go in a primary schools than ever I had when I was in the college itself !
4 I heard more shootin' right after that , so I reckon it jes ' ain' bin their night . ’
5 By mid — 1943 it was made very clear to the Main Force Groups that their " selection " was unacceptable as I sent more crews back than we kept .
6 I need more masking tape .
7 Other measures would involve more combined heat and power ( CHP ) stations , which , instead of discharging into the atmosphere the 60–70 per cent of the primary energy input which ends up as waste heat , would use it to provide hot water and heating in homes and commercial and industrial buildings ; and , of course , a switch from coal — which produces more carbon dioxide per ton than any other fuel — to nuclear , gas , oil and ‘ renewables ’ such as windfalls and tidal barrages .
8 US consumption of electricity is expected to grow by 46 per cent , and coal , which produces more carbon dioxide than either oil or gas , is expected to continue as the staple fuel for generations .
9 There are drum machines which allow more programming scope and greater flexibility — for instance Yamaha 's own RY30 and Roland 's R70 — but they 're more expensive and do n't have the RY10 's ‘ use anywhere ’ portability , nor its basic simplicity .
10 There are drum machines which allow more programming scope and greater flexibility — for instance Yamaha 's own RY30 and Roland 's R70 — but they 're more expensive and do n't have the RY10 's ‘ use anywhere ’ portability , nor its basic simplicity .
11 These are the new risers from Cellblock — they spread out making a wider area against the deck , which means more shock absorption and also reduces pressure on the deck making it less likely to snap your plank near the trucks .
12 This , in turn , requires more significant technical and conceptual changes , which take more planning time in order to build consensus .
13 You expect more press interest even after the conference ?
14 it is not proud that she has more Bible knowledge than he does .
15 It can be reduced if you provide more ground cover for the Loaches so that each can find its own space .
16 Give drugs regularly and let the doctor know if you think more pain relief would be helpful .
17 ( Some centres require all seats to be linked together ; in others you have more layout leeway . )
18 Walking past trees and hedgerows we heard more bird song , blackbird , song thrush , robin .
19 Fortunately , we spent more time mountaineering than sailing .
20 The total number , though far higher than in earlier studies , is not so significant ; after all , we spent more time tracking in deep water than all previous studies put together .
21 First , we need more TV coverage .
22 And we can add workstations to that virtual machine as we need more processing power .
23 The apes fed on a wide range of foods at all times of the year , but when fruit was scarce , they spent more time travelling and turned to less nutritious plant materials as well .
24 On recovery nights , when subjects were allowed to sleep undisturbed , they took more REM sleep than usual , as if they were making up to some extent for the amount lost .
25 They had more job security and were less likely to be laid off or made redundant .
26 The better-off are likely to be advised to delay serious relationships until they have more life experience .
27 to enable them to have more management time , like we 're looking at trying to get them to reduce their work their case loads
28 He made more gossip column copy than our delightful princess .
29 This is a highly intuitive environment which cuts down on training needs , but it is not to everyone 's taste , and it needs more development work behind the scenes if we have to write bespoke software .
30 On the one hand claiming Darlington is in such a bad state it needs more Government help , on the other claiming the town is a thriving local centre .
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