Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] my [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 I met with Media Action to discuss the recent awareness week we had on the Council Tax and I attach my notes for your interest .
2 I give my apologies for not being able to be present myself .
3 How I hated my elders for their frailty , for making me feel responsible for them .
4 And most of all , could I complete my duties for the day without causing a major disturbance ?
5 To warm thy Broth I burnt my Hands for Haste .
6 I blink my eyes for some inkling of orientation , but the high-pitched multi-signals whine and cascade about in my head just to make things quite clear that they 're not going to be harassed into full-powered service tonight .
7 So I did really enjoy reading this report , a well written report , and for me well received , and I offer my congratulations for it .
8 As we pile into a rented car , I express my thanks for her portraits of a city which headlines and Hollywood love to distort .
9 At least the manager did n't pounce on me just because I shut my eyes for a few moments . ’
10 I shut my eyes for the second one , ’ joked MacDonald .
11 I have my reasons for asking .
12 I closed my eyes for the rest of the journey as it had been a busy two days and I did n't feel lik& going to the council offices either , It would be too late anyway so I decided to take a stroll by the river and see how Nigel was getting on with the excavations .
13 I closed my eyes for a second .
14 I closed my eyes for a bit , then went back into the Bunker to tidy up .
15 I washed my billycans for the first time since Reggane , and cleaned the kit and groundsheet with disinfectant .
16 Is it not exciting enough having me open my presents for you ?
17 You knock my landscapes for six . ’
18 ‘ I do n't need you to fight my battles for me ! ’ she flared .
19 Soon she took my visits for granted and I was given the spare key to let myself in the door .
20 In summary : ‘ I 'll tell you what I think about your work and you try my suggestions for improving things . ’
21 Sir , — I was relieved to read Mr Marshall 's letter ‘ Keep the audit , save the practice ’ , ( ACCOUNTANCY , January , p 6 ) because it tells me that there are others who share my fears for the small practitioner .
22 Emily , would you get my glasses for me , there 's a love . ’
23 And would you write my letters for him ?
24 You see my visions for qualitative are slightly different to the four months at the moment , and I feel perhaps could exchange Q P16 for the control procedures to be a longer procedure but to have everything covering the project plan in progress monitoring through to quality control procedures for just the quality .
25 It 'd be easier if we met my troops for the first time at the concert , ’ he said .
26 Durfey may have written the lyrics himself , adding a coded signature to cock a snook at his detractors ( ‘ The Town may da-da-da-m me as a poet , but they sing my songs for all that ’ ) ; or he may conceivably have acted the part himself , for money he appeared to need , and plenty of laughs backstage .
27 And he brought my shoes for
28 The endearment eased the expression of pain on his face a little , but still he held me and still he searched my eyes for something I knew was n't there .
29 He accepted my apologies for my appearance and quickly put me at ease , saying he had been a close friend of my father and was delighted to meet his son .
30 And with these words she thumped off down the stairs , leaving me to collect my thoughts for the hard task of Testifying .
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