Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] to do the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I hate it when people cry , cos it makes me want to do the same thing .
2 A rock jutted out which others had grabbed as they swung down , but as I tried to do the same there was no edge below for my feet and I whimpered pathetically dangling on the end of the rope .
3 I tried to do the same , and in between sailing my own boat and the occasional cutter duty managed to concentrate enough on my proper job to pass a promotion examination in 1956 .
4 Having succeeded in making your formulae work for Lotus 1-2-3 and for As-Easy-As I tried to do the same in Excel .
5 " I really have n't any particular interest in the sale , except that I want to do the best that I can for this retired artist , Sam Mills , " he said .
6 I hope to do the same in London this year as I did last — win it .
7 But I chose to do the instrumental album , even though it was a lot smaller scale , because I had more control .
8 ‘ Oh , Mama always made sure that I learned to do the practical stuff , as well as fine embroidery and canvas work , ’ Sally-Anne had said .
9 Cos I 've already sussed Jim out anyway cos he said it was on my contract saying I had to do the four hours .
10 I I I had to do the other jobs as I know , but I used to like serving people because I used to like meeting people and sort of study people .
11 It 's bad enough having to take out a loan to get married , I sometimes wonder if I need to do the same as a bridesmaid !
12 And perhaps I should have been , because I wanted to do the other as well . ’
13 Well you see she wants to do the whole lot er cos it 's all She said , Feet are the only part of the human body she can tolerate .
14 And she wants to do the same things as us .
15 Now for copyright reasons , if you want to do the Blind Watchmaker , and I 'd very much like you to , you 've got ta borrow the disk from me , okay ?
16 Hardly aware of what she was doing , she tried to do the same , thankful that her shoes had soft soles .
17 ‘ And you propose to do the same ? ’
18 If you meet people from other countries , they understand what you mean if you say to do the legal thing , or the just thing , or the right thing , in certain ways , but it seems to me to be a slightly soggy , but nevertheless very important , British concept of doing the decent thing , which may be just , may be legal , may not be either of those two , but the British man has a very clear sense of what it entails .
19 I ask them to visit some of the communities that I represent , from which industry has disappeared and in which it is not only the person approaching pensionable age who is unemployed and in receipt of social security benefit , but the caring young people in the family who want to do the best for their relatives .
20 The Czechoslovak voucher scheme , which will apportion shares in state enterprises to the general public , was received with scepticism by the Poles ( who want to do the same thing a different way ) and with disdain by the Hungarians ( who think state enterprises should simply be sold ) .
21 If you do want to enjoy a one-to-one relationship of a companionable or romantic nature there are various ways one can make contact , other people who want to do the same and they need not have marriage as an aim if that is not what you want .
22 Last year there were six weeks of industrial action , and if needs be , are you prepared to do the same again ?
23 Are you going to do the other one , or is somebody else ?
24 Look , are you going to do the sensible thing for once and come in out of the rain ?
25 Now would you like to do the same for yours , work out what fraction of a total yours are .
26 ‘ We will make it a nice picnic , ’ she said , in the spirit of the penitent who intends to do the wicked thing she had first thought of but will also do something pleasant to make it slightly less reprehensible .
27 And it saved you hav it saved you having to do the preliminary thing of saying dear whoever you are
28 when do you have to do the first ?
29 but you ca n't you ca n't dip into modules of that can you do n't you have to do the whole thing ?
30 Well yes , but I mean it 's she seems to do the opposite thing to Charlotte , cos she used to sleep in the morning and fidget around in the afternoons and this one fidgets all morning and then sleeps in the afternoon .
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