Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] much more [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I find much more difficulty with the second proposition advanced by Mr. Collins .
2 And I think much more discourse is required .
3 It seems that I have much more faith in the future of coal than does the hon. Gentleman .
4 I have much more reverence for a common prostitute than a woman who conceals her guilt . ’
5 " I have much more energy .
6 These changes of pattern take place by a process which bears much more resemblance to that in areas outside public provision and within the scope of market forces than is commonly supposed .
7 All in all , some of the common manipulations are more unwieldy in Quattro Pro for Windows than in Excel , but in the areas of slide show production and database links , Quattro Pro for Windows offers a spreadsheet which makes much more use of the Windows environment .
8 One of the most exciting is the happy demise of eleven character file names — the old 8 and 3 construction of filename and extension can be done away with by opting for a 32 bit High Performance Filing System ( HPFS ) which allows long file names — things like ‘ letter to bank manager about my loan ’ which have much more meaning than ‘ Letloan.doc ’ , for instance .
9 The conclusions which can be drawn from this examination of the use of state-funded welfare services by elderly people are that the ‘ older ’ among them obtain much more help than the ‘ younger ’ , primarily because , on average , they are much more disabled .
10 She says she has much more chance at this school of getting the qualifications she would need to become a social worker or a journalist ( she feels there a lot of good black journalists around but not enough women ) .
11 Quite probably you will have discovered that you put much more emphasis than we did on the immediate problem of trying to discover whether it was Chrissie or Fred who was telling the truth .
12 Amaranth , who loved his clean-cut looks , rewarded him with a blinding smile , and said she had much more time for Disraeli .
13 In Scotland you have much more freedom of choice .
14 How widespread now is erm the education movement now in you have much more schools , now is this spreading ?
15 And I think you have much more confidence , you 're bound to , mixing with people .
16 You have much more maintenance .
17 However , if an agent is enjoying the wine with a Bryan Adams , he or she may be drinking the vinegar with a manager 's smaller act who makes much more work than the bigger act , with absolutely no income .
18 The Discovery engine will fit the 90 but will require an intercooler and much modification to cables exhaust and pipework The 90 Turbo engine is more powerful than the normally aspirated and will fit in more easily If you need much more power then a large capacity turbocharged engine is required such as the Nissan 3 5 available from many suppliers who advertise in LRO
19 There was less violence , the ‘ appels ’ were not so severe , and we spent much more time in the classroom doing theoretical work for our exams .
20 We get much more happiness in investing in other people 's lives than we do in self-isolation .
21 We need much more investigation into the exact similarities and differences between oral and recording techniques , and their effects .
22 We need much more investment in education and training and a much more effective competition policy , particularly in those industries that have recently been privatised , such as British Telecom , and the gas and electricity industries , where there should be real competition , not misuse of monopolistic powers .
23 They use slightly wide shots ; they make much more use of the medium-range shots showing the Members ( or the absence of Members ) around the person speaking ; there are more individual reaction shots ; and they vary the camera angles in ways that minimise the monotony that results from keeping the camera on one member for an extended period .
24 Both were much less efficient than they are today ; they used much more coal .
25 They 'll cost more because they involve much more material and , in particular , more sewing ; but , for all that , the Flare or the Roller are types that can be flown in a wide range of wind strengths , and are remarkably stable .
26 It is argued that because they cover much more ground than the specialized academic or professional degree , they must inevitably be more superficial and lacking in rigour and depth ; a kind of conceptual package tour .
27 But he realised they needed much more evidence before they could arrest him for murder .
28 ‘ If you tell her , it 's halfway to Cropper and Blackadder — and they have much more punch than she has , I suppose . ’
29 This high level route is not for the faint hearted — as well as being longer than the Pennine Way it involves much more climbing .
30 ‘ I have seen him play a little bit more to the net than normally , but I would say that he has much more confidence staying back and playing long rallies .
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