Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] one more [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Can I make one more suggestion one , to combine two of these to call it Southwell Centenary Park , would that make it any better ?
2 I am sorry , I forgot that I made one more telephone call — to Mr. Sellars , the Lothian region 's further education expert .
3 I wandered one more time round the whole place , seeing the sunlight slant in through the barred unopenable windows ( which would keep people out as well as horses in ) , smelling the sweet hay and the faint musty odour of the horses themselves , feeling the swirls of fresh air coming from the rows of small ventilators along the roof , hearing the creaking and rushing noises in the car 's fabric and the grind of the electricity-generating wheels under the floor .
4 Can I keep one more 3″ Oranda ?
5 If I get one more letter , one more wheedling phone call , one more black-mailing , whinging final demand I shall — I shall utter a twelve sentence expletive and tell the poor , beleaguered sod exactly where to stuff his appeal form .
6 Mum can I have one more biscuit ?
7 ‘ If I stay one more minute , I shall cry again , ’ she said .
8 I gave one more scream , I do n't know for whom .
9 My Lords , with that er oh , and I 've one more thing to say which is that there there are is a series of amendments in the next group , twenty-three to five and twenty-eight to thirty which are in f in fact consequential on some of the amendments in th in this earlier group and er if er er some of these amendments were to be carried , er then I think the Committee would have to consider whether to er also to agree er to amendments in the in in the following group of amendments .
10 ‘ Can I say one more thing , Sir ? ’
11 Can I say one more thing ?
12 ‘ Yes , it does , and I 'm grateful , but I have one more question : Was your Aunt Sara able , in some degree , to fill your mother 's place ? ’
13 Meanwhile , on this VS which they probably have n't heard of and would n't bother to solo , Denis and I have one more pitch to climb .
14 I have one more thing to explain , ’ he said to the girl .
15 May I ask one more thing ?
16 And by the end of about a month , the guy I was assigned to work with refused to work with me because I was always cracking jokes — he said ‘ I 'm not going to work with you , if you crack one more joke I 'm going to the supervisor . ’
17 But before we lose the spirit of Christmas , will you make one more gift of kindness ?
18 I would like to see you catch one more trout .
19 " You say one more word and I 'll rip my ears off . "
20 She was so full , so tight with sad happiness , she felt she would burst if she ate one more drop scone .
21 Now what you gon na do then , what you gon na do , have you got one more lesson ?
22 On the school run one day the vicar 's wife stopped the car and said : ‘ Diana Spencer , if you tell one more lie like that I am going to make you walk home . ’
23 Certainly when we get settled in after Christmas that should be and I 'll shall say about six rolls but I 'll shall say six rolls and just the every time I get one roll of wallpaper up and you you 'll think oh I 'll do the rest tomorrow just a bit more , then you get one more looks alright there , the other wall and er , I 'm sat , I 've been up all night doing this shall do one more then I 'll go a bed , I get from the wife bloody hell mother what time did you go to bed , about an hour ago , could n't leave it wallpaper .
24 You 've one more night before your nights off , and tonight can be as bad or worse .
25 ‘ Hurry , ’ he urged , checking behind him for witnesses , but she had one more question .
26 Before she left them , she said one more thing .
27 It does get more money , therefore it 's able to afford , I think you said one more teacher , which does n't seem a tremendous expansion .
28 ‘ If we sell one more player I might as well sell them all and forget the silver and take the gold — I 'm not going to continue to sell one or two a season .
29 We climbed one more stile .
30 We had one more day trip by boat before we left Praslin , and that was to the island of La Digue to try and see the black paradise flycatcher .
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