Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] to [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I commend to him early-day motion 209 , tabled by the hon. Member for Cambridgeshire , South-West ( Sir A. Grant ) , which calls on the Government to take a more realistic view of the help that they can give to telecommunications if those important jobs are to be safeguarded .
2 I commend to you all this
3 Well , as I say to me old mate Keef ( cor , strike a light , there 's a crazy geezer an' no mistake ! ) …
4 First of all , I suggest to you that communication ar is an absolutely key process .
5 ‘ Are you seriously telling me that you thought I proposed to you this morning ?
6 I want to thee Thedric , ’ she moaned quietly , her lips quivering and her eyes now brimming with tears as the good Lewis laid a hand on the pristine-white plaster encasing her upper arm .
7 I 'd just make the simple point that a sudden twelve point five percent reduction , I referred to it this morning , er in in building , is not progressively and long term , it 's a sudden change .
8 Erm , because of the Nathan reports , I mentioned to you last year , we 're going to have to raise more money than we thought sometime ago .
9 She at first regarded the episode as a nightmare : ‘ I dreamed I seemed to you all to have died . ’
10 ‘ May I present to you those members of my family who are at present — ah — available , ’ said Reni .
11 The Prime Minister answered a question that I put to him earlier this year by referring to the fact that he did not believe that I live in the real world .
12 and I says to him that 's one thing you never get at that , that one at Top Shop
13 I says to her that 's what I want , you know I want mine doing like that
14 'Cos I says to her one day , well why do n't you ask yer , your relation , if he 'll er , if he 'll give yer a job .
15 Ninety niner , remember what I done to you last night .
16 Chairman could I suggest to you that erm , when we have our meeting with , with Norfolk County Councillors , that erm the rail policy group supporting to this , because although the traffic conveyor policy do and indeed the Norfolk rail policy group are not formal County Council committee , erm we know that Norfolk rail policy group have identified the northern group as the most desirable to their point of view , because of the possibility with freight and road interchange at , at er Brandon , and so I , may I suggest that , that a representative from both Norfolk and Suffolk rail policy groups , they 're included in this meeting with the North Councillors .
17 And the dad of the wo woman says not if I get to him first .
18 I refer to you editorial in the January Canoeist ; here you accuse the Australian government of racism .
19 I stuck to me brief , as the Archbishop said in court .
20 ‘ And yet , this frightening scenario I outline to you this evening is precisely what will happen arising from the global plans of these major American-owned multi-nationals . ’
21 Is it possible for some of us and perhaps representative 's of organisations or a group of us and I know I can talk to the board but I 'm not necessarily speaking for anybody else if I natter to you other than myself .
22 Father , Father , I called to you all my life !
23 I respond to them all , but in many cases that is the last I hear from the senders .
24 I went to him first .
25 ‘ She 's right , ’ said Dad , somewhat magisterially , when I went to him later and told him what she 'd said , trying to make him see how demented it was .
26 I went to them all and watched and listened and made my own judgements .
27 I went to you first because you have known him who is from the beginning .
28 And I 'd like you , if you have n't destroyed them totally , to use the little piece of paper I gave to you all .
29 I spoke to him this morning . ’
30 So I said , well come on you 've got ta be reasonable with me so I spoke to him last week and he says , look you did n't have one last year so I 'll give you two .
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