Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [been] for a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm better than I 've been for a long time . ’
2 Just even I 've been for a wee !
3 But I 'm in better shape than I have been for a long time . ’
4 Boozy Dennett — who earns £600 a week with his dummy Chick — added : ‘ I have been for a walk to have a think and went back , but it 's getting worse . ’
5 A good deal gives me the feeling that I have been for a nice seven-day trip to the Bahamas . ’
6 Now it is three months ’ rest and come the start of the 1991 season I 'll be ready to go again , more confident than I have been for a long time .
7 In July 1944 Attlee presented a paper on ‘ Foreign Policy and the Flying Bomb ’ , which pointed out that it would henceforth be impossible for Britain to rely upon the English Channel as a defence against her enemies : From our point of view , Norway , Denmark , Holland and France are necessary outposts of Britain and , in as much as Britain is now as she has been for a hundred years a shield for the U.S. , outposts of America as well .
8 You 've been for a walk eh ?
9 She left a little while later , happier than she had been for a long time .
10 These maxims , many of them reflecting nothing more than common sense , and taken from the recorded experience of the past , were to be found mainly in two works : the Facta et dicta memorabilia of Valerius Maximus , written in the first century AD , and the Stratagemata of Frontinus , composed in the same century by a man who had been for a short while Roman governor of Britain .
11 He was a huge man in his early thirties who had been for a time a heavyweight boxer .
12 She 's been the middle school , she 's been for a visit to the middle school
13 McNab , who hit his first goal of the season , said : ‘ The second half was as poor as we have been for a long time but recent performances have been magnificent .
14 And glory in the 1,000 Guineas may well be a lot more than just a warming winter thought because Dead Certain beat as competitive a field as there has been for a juvenile filly 's race for many years .
15 They 'd been for a meal and they came to the flat and they rung us to say they were there .
16 Cos they 'd been for a meal on the way as well !
17 But if China really is now backing peace and free elections , the signs are more hopeful than they 've been for a decade .
18 One afternoon after they had been for a swim together , Sycorax said , as Ariel took her on her back again , grunting for the old woman had grown so much heavier , it seemed , since her immersion , ‘ You are having the red man 's child . ’
19 The 1480s show an average comparable with the 1430s , although this figure is probably depressed by the bad years of 1482 and 1483 in the latter year prices were higher than they had been for a century , and wages did not rise proportionately .
20 My hon. Friend will note that German interest rates and ours are closer than they have been for a long time .
21 ‘ No sort of future tense about it , it is and it has been for a long time .
22 The Commonwealth came closer together than it has been for a long time .
23 ‘ No sort of future tense about it , it is and it has been for a long time .
24 It has been for a , a while now
25 ‘ Now he 's happier , I think , than he 'd been for a long time .
26 During my blue period my life also seemed to become a lot more structured than it had been for a while .
27 Mick was less fortunate , and when I awoke in the depressing gloom of dawn , he reported that the weather was very much better than it had been for a long time .
28 The sky was clearer than it had been for a week , and massive , but hardly elegant , Storskarfjell stood out like a white tent .
29 Morale on the shop floor was higher than it had been for a long year and an unhealthy atmosphere of optimism and hope pervaded the plant .
30 There was also what was to become a recurrent feature of Gilkes 's reports — as indeed it had been for a half a century already — regret at the parents ' lack of faith or courage , which resulted in boys leaving early and not going on to University .
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