Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv prt] from a " in BNC.

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1 You could hear them squeaking off from a distance .
2 ‘ On one occasion I woke up from an operation in hospital and asked her if she had brought my Echo . ’
3 Perhaps my problem is the way I perceived the first news of the crumbling of the old Europe ; sitting in hospital and festooned in drip feeds and stoned out of my mind on pethidine as I came round from an anaesthetic , I muzzily watched the news on the TV in the corner of my room and truly believed I was hallucinating as I saw kitchen choppers taking down the Berlin Wall ; after such a beginning to the thaw , how can I believe that as well as East Germany 's arrival in the West , Czechoslovakia is almost herself again .
4 On Saturday 4 June , I came in from a morning 's canvassing in Sutton Coldfield to find an urgent message to call Conservative Central Office .
5 I came back from a business trip to find her gone . ’
6 I realised I was missing half the jokes , so I mugged up from a textbook — and here I am , ready for more ! ’
7 I get in from a dull lunch and find your urgent communication on my desk .
8 Instructions I copied out from a girls ' annual for 1954 .
9 I took over from a guy who went out the stage door and somebody said to him , ‘ Have you got a light ? ’
10 As a kid at Oldham , I took over from a long-established fixture in the side at Boundary Park , Peter McDonald , and had most of my mistakes during games forgiven because I was so young .
11 I took off from an airfield near Stroud and flew to Basingstoke .
12 It seems that every time I come back from a big disappointment I win . ’
13 Spain 's 35% growth has been fuelled by its catching up from a low base , government investment policies , especially in the workstation arena .
14 By his technique , by the force of words and theme , by the disciplined speed of his narrative , he draws us into a fiction which takes off from a foundation of known fact and recognisable truth .
15 Inflation , which fell back from an annual rate of 79 per cent in January 1990 to 1.7 per cent in August , was at 4 to 5 per cent a month for the rest of the year , partly because of oil price rises due to the Gulf war .
16 This task , which follows on from a programme covering these subjects , incorporates the strands of communication skills , behavioural sciences , ethics , and law in the assessment .
17 This project , which follows on from a number of years of ESRC funded research in the same group , on the psychology of communication and relationships , aims to explore and to unify these two areas .
18 The study , which follows on from a pilot study funded by ESRC , involves the Departments of Civil Engineering and Law .
19 Diesel is available on the pontoons from a long pipe which extends down from a makeshift pump at the pontoon head .
20 The car drew to a halt by a green sward of carefully tended lawn which ran down from an impressive-looking office building towards the river .
21 It spans the Laxford River which comes down from a string of lochs alongside the Lairg road and is notable for salmon fishing .
22 Who was he , this man who knew her name , who got up from a collision that should have killed him outright , and still managed to outrun a healthy man ?
23 The noise alerted a woman who came in from a side door and challenged him quite sharply .
24 Then one time she came back from a job and had a trendy , short cut .
25 When she came back from a date with the Prince she would be full of sympathy for him uttering phrases like ‘ they work him too hard ’ or ‘ it 's appalling the way they push him around . ’
26 Are n't you going on from a mistake ?
27 Instead you manipulate the plots of the others to your own ends , playing one off against the others , letting them waste their energies in fruitless rivalries while you look on from a safe distance , waiting patiently for the moment to make your move , the day when I drop dead and you can come home and claim your own .
28 When you look down , when you are seeing it in on the television pictures , you look down from an aerial view .
29 She takes off from a field behind the hospital .
30 To complicate the situation , let us assume that the package under consideration is itself called up from a higher package with a different manager .
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