Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [that] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This echoed the view of a number of solicitor respondents , one of whom argued that sole practitioners should be required to change their accountant annually ; whilst others said sole practitioners should be prohibited from instructioning sole practitioner accountants .
2 During a visit to Portugal on Jan. 14 Levi held talks with the Foreign Ministers of Angola and Cape Verde , both of whom announced that diplomatic relations with Israel would soon be established .
3 Although the Geneva-based International Electrotechnical Commission is making progress on standards to safeguard against RFI , not everyone agrees that international bodies ( or individual governments ) should act to stamp out RFI .
4 " It would be wrong for me to pretend that these problems can be solved quickly — if they can be solved at all .
5 Despite the fact no-one doubts that popular opinions on crime and its containment are extensively and deeply held , whenever Criminal Justice Bills are before the Commons the atmosphere seems detached and wary , with few MPs participating and a majority keeping the subject at arms length .
6 Nor am I suggesting that black children are somehow linguistically deficient or unable to separate English from Creole .
7 Nor am I suggesting that these strategies are in fact used by professional translators in any significant way ; one has to acknowledge that , in spite of being available in theory , they are in fact rarely used in practice .
8 Not for a moment am I suggesting that these figures , always in billions , are not important ; only that I , an innumerate , can not make head or tail of them .
9 I contend that such Biros employ an advanced form of camouflage .
10 ' I contend that these crowds spontaneously generate from microscopic spores which constantly drift about in our atmosphere , awaiting the perfect conditions in which to briefly flourish .
11 Earlier this year , I announced that local authorities would receive aggregate external finance of £5.13 billion .
12 When I had finished , and when we had counted the money in the hat ( which we did round the corner , discreetly ) , I realized that four songs had earned us enough to pay for a proper meal , each , in a cheap restaurant .
13 Though , as he agreed in throwing Coe overboard while Barry and I were reported , virtually , by the select committee , to be on an equality , I fear that personal feelings together with hostility to my style , had an even stronger influence .
14 I fear that such risks will be taken by the government here too .
15 I do hope that it will be possible for you to participate in this exercise , even though I realise that many demands are made on people 's time .
16 I expect that most readers are in the 20–30 age group .
17 In the simplest I found that many owners saw their houses as white elephants .
18 One symptomatic phenomenon was revealed in my own research in Leicester for an Open University television programme , when I found that many teachers of English were unwilling to come to terms with the interest and creative potential of Asian students in English language , literature and drama .
19 Yet during interviews with managers involved , I found that other factors were at work .
20 When I arrived ten minutes before her at one stop ( advance means a few minutes ahead as well as two months ) I found that two ladies in wheelchairs had positioned themselves at the foot of the stairs and were pleading with everyone to let them stay and shake hands with Mrs Thatcher .
21 I found that most parents were initially rather shocked at finding out their daughter was pregnant , some cried , some got angry , some were very matter-of-fact , and some were quite pleased .
22 Instead , I found that military firms are to blame for selling all the arms to these poor countries and most of the sales go on without the governments knowing .
23 On the first morning came two shocks — I found that Christian names were dropped — from now on I was Maidment .
24 Perhaps I will convey a better idea of the tone of those evenings if I say that regular visitors included the likes of Mr Harry Graham , valet-butler to Sir James Chambers , and Mr John Donalds , valet to Mr Sydney Dickenson .
25 I suggest that general practitioners ' decisions are generally what Spiegelhalter and colleagues call stage 1 decisions — that is , unaided intuitive judgments .
26 I suggest that four suspects as well as your murderer will be quite enough to cope with .
27 ‘ Having in mind all the circumstances I suggest that active inquiries in this case be suspended until fresh information is forthcoming .
28 ’ In order to ascertain the indigenous meanings , I suggest that indigenous concepts be explored , and the vocabulary denoting inner states examined .
29 I suggest that these meanings arise from everyday discourse , which habitually makes use of oppositions such as masculinity/femininity , science/arts — oppositions which make sense only in relation to each other .
30 If that is the case I imagine that more Scots will wish to take advantage of trust status .
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