Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] where " in BNC.

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1 I slip round to where my hand finds the iron handle .
2 I walked through to where a Chief-Corporal was standing behind a table .
3 Lunch over , I walked on to where the Coast to Coast Path and Pennine Way cross above Ease Gill Force .
4 People keep saying it 's going to take time before I get back to where I was , but I want it to happen sooner .
5 Proud as a Masai tribeswoman , I glided back to where my car was n't and turned instantly into a small , twisted , carrot-topped fishwife .
6 Corporal Vigno held an African baby in one photo , and I looked over to where he was talking with Corporal Auriega .
7 I looked up at where the pipe went through the wall into the prison .
8 I turn back to where I was in the text .
9 I go back to where I started , by examining what has gone wrong , before arriving at a possible way forward .
10 can I go back to where we were
11 It had even been easy following them from the racecourse , as when I went out to where my driver had parked his car I had a clear view from a distance of Daffodil at the exit gate being spooned into a royal blue Rolls-Royce by Filmer and her chauffeur .
12 I went out to where I 'd parked my car .
13 The next day I went down to where I used to work .
14 Therefore I come back to where I started .
15 I do n't think the snake had fully wakened up when I caught it , and I was careful not to jar it as I ran back to where my brothers and Blyth were lying on the grass .
16 Usually ½ — I grade up on where I 'd normally print it .
17 Turning her head , she gazed over to where her husband and the two little girls , together with their friend , Kerry-Jane , were busily engaged in filling their buckets with damp sand .
18 As she gazed down at where his car waited in pole position , Celeste 's giggles had changed into a pout .
19 With a happy smile on her extraordinarily beautiful face , and the memory of a man with blue eyes in her mind , she wandered back to where she had left her car , and Ellie being Ellie , who was totally incapable off passing anything that looked even remotely interesting , it was another hour before she finally got to it .
20 Then she came over to where he was kneeling by the fire and put her arms round him from behind and pressed her cheek against his .
21 Hand outstretched she came up to where I was sitting .
22 She walked over to where the just-savaged books lay strewn across the floor , and stirred them with the toe of her boot .
23 But it , it was so varied that you went through the , the cities and the highland scenes where they went through the highlands and in the country and then you ended up with coming on to a crossroads in a modern , a futuristic city , where if you look down you , the pavements were elevated and you walked down to where all the models of General Motors were displayed as if they were crossing roads .
24 She looked round to where her sister was searching through the other books .
25 So if you go down to where you 've got new paragraphs , and just do enter .
26 She went over to where he was standing by the fire and thanked him .
27 She went over to where he was standing , looking him right in the eyes so that he could see how furious she was .
28 She went back to where the gardener was digging , and spoke to him .
29 At this first stage , it is essential not to go too fast , but by now most people have already done so ; they have already jumbled the cube and thereby discovered the basic mathematical problem : how do you get back to where you started ?
30 You , you carry on from where I 've left off .
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